A Justin Russo and Alex Russo song-shot

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“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me!” Justin Russo yelled at his parents one Saturday afternoon. His shift just ended and Jerry and Theresa asked him to go upstairs with them to have a talk.
“You are going to college whether you like it or not!” Jerry protested.
“I am not going to college! It has been decided a long time ago. Even though I once dreamt of going to college, nothing’s going to change my mind anymore.” Justin said.
“Justin, please—“
“This is about Alex isn’t it?” Justin asked, cutting Theresa mid-sentence.
“Apparently, when I hear my name on other people’s conversation, I know I have something to do with it.” Alex said as she descends down the stairs. “So, what’s up?” she asked when she reached the end of the stairs and stood beside Justin.
“Perfect. Just the person that we needed.” Jerry said.
Alex straightened, her hands on her hips. “I have a feeling this is a bad thing.” She commented.
“Yes it is.” Jerry answered.
“Yes it is.” Jerry answered.
Justin and Alex glanced at each other nervously. “W-why? What did we do? Because if it’s that crystal ball again in the lair, I swear I didn’t break it.” Alex said, raising her hands up in the air.
Jerry looked at her in disbelief. “What did you say?”
“The crystal ball’s broken again. I swear it wasn’t me!” Alex responded.
Jerry stared at her.
“Fine! I did it!” she confessed.
“Alex how could you—“
“Jerry, this is not the right time to talk about magical stuff. We’ve got more important matter to discuss about.” Theresa interrupted.
Jerry closed his eyes and took deep breaths to calm him. When he opened his eyes, he looked at his two children blankly. “What’s going on?” he asked. “Especially with you, Alex. What’s going on?”
Justin looked confused. “Nothing’s going on.” He answered.
“Yeah, there’s…there’s nothing going on.” Alex agreed.
“Really? Then can you please explain this to us?” Theresa asked Alex as she held up a pregnancy test.
Justin and Alex gasped, especially Alex, as she saw the object her Mom was holding back. “Mom, Dad—“ Alex said.
“Who did this to you, Alex?” Theresa asked.
Alex’s heart caught in her throat. She knew this day would come. She just never thought it would be this soon. She opened her mouth to say something but she closed it.
Seeing Alex having a hard time, he decided he’d be the one to break the news to them. “I did it.” Justin said.
Jerry and Theresa gasped in surprise.
Jerry’s knuckles turned white. “Get out of my house.” He told Justin.
“I said get out of my house!” Jerry yelled. “Pack your bags and leave!”
“Max, can you please close up the substation?” Theresa whispered to her youngest son who just came up the stairs. Max nodded and went back down again.
“As for you, I don’t want to see you face ever again!” Jerry yelled at Alex.
“Don’t call me Daddy. I am not your father. I don’t have a daughter who’s pregnant with her brother’s baby!” With that, Jerry went upstairs.
Alex flinched when she heard a loud bang caused by Jerry shutting the door hard.
Suddenly, Alex and Theresa heard screaming. They immediately ran upstairs without hesitation. The noise was coming from Justin’s bedroom and when Alex opened the door, Jerry was about to punch Justin.
“Dad, no! Please, I’m sorry!”
“JERRY!!” Theresa exclaimed, stopping Jerry from punching her son. “Kicking him out of the house is too much, but hurting your own son? Jerry, you’re getting way out of line!”
“Oh, so now you’re on their side?” Jerry asked.
“Of course I’m not okay with Justin getting Alex pregnant but they’re still my kids – our kids!” Theresa answered, tears coming out of her bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t care. I want him out of the house right away! And you, young lady, come with me.” Jerry said, dragging Alex with him.
“Jerry, what are you doing?” Theresa asked as she followed Jerry and Alex.
“I’m teaching her a lesson.” Jerry answered.
“DAD, STOP IT!!!” Justin suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs.
Jerry gazed at Justin and his blood boiled, his face becoming redder with each passing minute. “How dare you scream at me like that?”
“What do you expect me to do? You’re hurting Alex! Your only daughter!” Justin responded.
“Why are you still here? I told you to leave the house, right?” Jerry asked.
“No.” Alex said, walking towards Justin and looped her arm around his. “If Justin’s leaving, I’m leaving as well.”
“No. You are staying here!”
“I thought you don’t want to see my face anymore?” Alex asked, new batch of tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Justin, please get out!” Jerry said as he started pushing Justin out of the house. Alex holds onto him as they were both forcefully pushed out the door.
“Justin!” Alex yelled as Jerry detached Alex away from her brother and shut the door hard.
“Justin!” Alex called as Theresa cradled her in her arms.
Even though Theresa knew how wrong what Justin and Alex did, she still has a soft spot for the both of them. She still loves them no matter what because they are her kids, unlike Jerry who couldn’t control his anger.
Justin sat lifelessly on his apartment’s bed replaying that same old scene for months now. Only the thought of it send shivers up his spine. Ever since that day, he’d never heard of Alex anymore. Nor a single phone call or any updates. Even Harper and Zeke lost contact with him since.
Justin accidentally glanced up and he swore he saw Alex standing in front of him. He immediately stood up and followed her wherever she went. He saw her figure ran inside the kitchen and when he got there, he saw a glimpse of Alex’s hair by the hallway leading to his bathroom. She was still running. But as he reached the bathroom, which was also a dead end, there was no Alex. She wasn’t there at all. She never was.
Justin flunked down on the floor, burying his face on his hands. “Great. Now I’m hallucinating. I wonder what’s next.” He mumbled sarcastically.
Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw whom his caller was.
It was his Mom.
Theresa was the only one who bothered to stay in contact with him. But Justin has no plans staying in contact with her. Heck, he doesn’t even plan on coming back to that Russo apartment. But if he came back, who knows what Jerry’s capable of doing.
He shook the thought away as he declined the call. Moments later, he received a message.
It was still from Theresa.
"Justin, just so you know...I - we - still love you." - Theresa
Justin has never been the drinking type of guy but after his father kicked him out of the house and probably stuck to his words on disowning Alex, he consumes nothing but beer. Every morning, afternoon, evening, and midnight, even dawn.
He took four bottles out and made his way to the living room where he carelessly placed the bottles on the coffee table that’s occupied by a mountain of mess. Justin sat on the floor as he took a swig of his first bottle. He winced as the liquid burned his throat. But that kind of pain could never compare to the pain he felt months ago that up until now, he continuously suffers from it.
Justin downed his second bottle faster than the first one. When he was on his way to consume the third one, his phone beeped notifying him that he have a new voicemail. He hesitated at first but decided to listen anyway. And as he heard that oh so familiar voice, he was glad he did.
"Hey Justin, it's me Alex. How are you doing? I hope you're doing okay because clearly, I am not. My life has become a living hell. Listen, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to call you or text you because as soon as you left the house that day, Dad took my phone away. He even deleted your number on my contacts. I got yours again thanks to Harper. I found out where they hid this thing and I managed to sneak it out to make a call.
Please tell me where you are. I don't know if I'll be able to sneak my phone again so just incase, let me know where you are by sending it to Harper's digits. Please let me knows as soon as possible because...I want to see you so bad. I need you. I love you, Justin."
Exactly ten seconds later, Justin received a new message. It was from Harper. Agitated, Justin opened the message and read it.
"Be there in an hour" - Alex
~ ~ ~
“Alex, this is dangerous!” Harper exclaimed as Alex told her about her plan on sneaking out and heading over to Justin’s.
“It isn’t if you will help me. Come on Harper, all you have to do is distract them, cover up for me and if you don’t know what to say, lock yourself up in the basement and don’t come out until I came back.” Alex said.
“Yeah. Easy to say, hard to do.” Harper said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Please, please, Harper. He has to see me. I need to see him. After all, he deserves to know what I want to name our baby.” Alex whispered the last part.
“Can’t you just say it over the phone?” Harper asked.
“I don’t have a phone Harper.” Alex said.
Harper sighed as she plopped down on her bed. “Fine. I’ll do it.” She said.
Alex started squealing. “Thank you, thank you! Harper, you’re the best!” she said as she danced around and gave her best friend a hug.
“But…once I get into trouble, I don’t know what will happen between us. Don’t forget that I still haven’t accepted the fact that you’re having Justin’s baby. After all those years that I thought I would be the one carrying that cute little hazel-eyed bundle of joy.” Harper said.
Alex smiled which turned into laughter. “Thank you so much, Harper.” She said.
~ ~ ~
Justin waited outside his apartment for Alex. He glanced at his watch one last time and sighed. But as he gazed up from his watch, he saw a certain brunette standing across from him.
“Alex!” Justin ran towards her. All he could see that moment was Alex alone, that’s why he never noticed a car speeding towards him.
But Alex saw it. “Justin, watch out!” she exclaimed as she ran towards him, grabbed him by his arm and pulled him over.
Alex saved Justin even before the car hit him.
“Watch it will you?” shouted the driver.
“Alex, I can’t believe you’re here.” Justin said as he touched every part of Alex’s face.
“Justin.” She said as she took Justin’s hand in hers and guided it down to her protruding belly. He looked down at it. “It’s a she.”
“I…I…I don’t know what to say.” Justin said with a big smile.
“Guess what I named the baby.” Alex said.
“Justine Alexandra.” Alex answered. “Do you like it?”
Justin’s eyes lit up. “Are you kidding? I love it. It’s the perfect name for her.”
“You think so?” Alex asked.
Justin nodded. “Uh-huh.”
Alex grinned. She leaned in to give him a kiss but she stopped herself halfway. “Have you been drinking?”
“I am. I know drinking’s not my thing but after all that have happened, I found myself drinking away all the pain.” Justin answered.
“You better not be doing that anymore. I don’t want my daughter to have a drinking father.” Alex said.
Justin smiled. “I promise I won’t anymore.” He said.
After watching Justin feeling her stomach for any baby movements, Alex spoke up. “I’m moving in with you.” She announced.
Justin’s head shot up. “What? Alex, we can’t do this on—“
“Yes we can, Justin. If we help each other, we can.” Alex interrupted.
“Look, Dad disowned me and now I feel weird calling him Dad, and I don’t want to live in that house anymore. I just can’t.” Alex said.
“Alex, you need to go home and get your life back…without me.” Justin said.
Alex shook her head. “No, everything has changed in a blink of an eye, Justin. Nothing will ever be the same.” She said.
“No, listen to me Alex. As much as we both want to be with each other, Dad just kicked me out of the house and I know he never wants me back there. Go home, forgive, forget, move on, love and live your life the way you want it to be…with your daughter.” Justin said.
“Love someone else. Forget about me, Alex. We both know this isn’t going to work out. Be with someone else that’ll be there for our daughter.”
“No, Justin.”
“Please Alex.”
“Justin, just remember this: a lot of things had changed but my love for you remains the same. And it can never be changed…no one can change it."
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