A Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder song-shot
[ "Little Things" Part 2 ]
[ "Little Things" Part 2 ]
It's been two months since the weekend at Eleanor's flat took place. A lot of things can happen in the said time span. The seniors finally graduated from college, Liam and Danielle became an official couple (surprise, surprise!) and Zayn finally found romance in the body and soul of one Perrie Edwards. Most importantly, in those two months left of college, Louis Tomlinson finally scored a date with the ice queen, Eleanor Calder.
"El, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you on our graduation." Louis said, trailing behind the fuming brunette.
Since Louis graduated with a major in performing visual arts, he was assigned to make a short film about college life. Almost half of the video consisted of him and the four lads and the remaining parts of the video were just random hallway moments or classroom moments. Some of them were from assemblies and the part where Eleanor dreaded the most, a video of her during the same weekend she spent with Danielle and the five lads. It showed a clip of her being dared by Harry to do a challenge against Niall. They were asked to finish a whole can of soda in one swig and in the end; Eleanor couldn't help but to let an un-ladylike burp escape. It was horrifying in Eleanor's opinion. Her eyes literally went wide as soon as it was projected on the big screen. She slowly sunk down on her seat while the rest of the graduating seniors continuously laughed at the clip.
Eleanor stopped dead in her tracks and swiftly turned around to face the lad who had been following her like a lost puppy ever since the video was shown.
"I was actually going to accept the fact that somehow I consider you as a friend, but you ruined it all!" Eleanor fumed.
"I'm really, terribly sorry. If you want, I'm going to go down on my knees just for you to forgive me." Louis replied. He did meant what he said because as soon as he realized that Eleanor would continue to ignore him, he bent down on his knees and glanced up at the brunette with pleading blue eyes.
Eleanor glanced at her surroundings and noticed that some students had already gathered to see the scene unfolding before their very own eyes.
"Oh my gosh, is he proposing to her? I didn't know they were a couple." Eleanor overheard one girl mumbling to her friend.
Realizing that their position literally looked like Louis was proposing to her, she motioned for him to get to his feet. "Louis, get up. People are starting to think you're proposing." She informed.
"What? Proposing? On two knees?" Louis replied disbelievingly. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
"Just get up." She hissed.
Instead of standing back up, Louis remained on his knees as he slowly shook his head. "I won't until you forgive me."
With a sigh and a single eye roll, Eleanor muttered, "Fine. You're forgiven. Now up you go!"
Louis briskly got up to his feet with a lopsided grin on his face. "Really? You forgive me?"
"We're friends now?"
"We're gonna move on and forget about the film?"
"Will you go to the end of the year dance with me?"
Realizing what she had just said, Eleanor immediately regret everything and used all the power she could muster to take it call back.
"No! You heard it all wrong, Louis. I meant to say no." Eleanor protested.
Louis shook his head with a smile. "Yes means yes, El. You said it so you're coming to the dance as my date." He replied.
"But you don't need to have a date on that one!"
"In my world, you have to have one." Louis teased before turning to his heels and trotted away.
"I cannot believe I'm going to this stupid dance with that stupid boy!" Eleanor complained as she and Danielle unloaded Liam's car.
Danielle stifled a laugh. "You need to take a chill pill, El. Being his date doesn't mean you have to stick with him the whole time. He just needs someone to go with." She explained.
Suddenly, Liam emerged from the driver's seat. "Oh Eleanor, I forgot to tell you. Louis told me to remind you that he wants you next to him at all times tonight. He doesn't want you out of his sight." He informed.
"What!" Eleanor shrieked. "But--"
"Ah-ah. No buts' honey." Danielle interrupted.
"So, you're on their side?" Eleanor questioned, hands on her hips.
Danielle rubbed her chin as if she's thinking about it. "Not exactly." She replied with a wink. "See you around, darling!" Liam snaked his arm around the dancer's waist as they headed towards the venue's entrance.
Eleanor watched the lovebirds flee with a stunned expression on her face. With one last huff, she finally entered the venue.
Eleanor had been at the dance for an hour already and still no sign of Louis. The brunette uncrossed her arms as she headed back to the refreshments table for what seemed like the nth time that night. She was starting to get bored. Occasionally, she would spot her friends and they would make small talk before their dates snatch them away. Just as she was deciding to leave the pointless dance, she spotted a familiar pink-haired beauty across the venue, sitting alone at a table.
It was Perrie Edwards, Zayn's girlfriend.
Eleanor and Perrie weren't really that close. Eleanor is Cinderella in a glass slipper as Perrie is Cinderella in combat boots. So to say, the brunette is more of a girly than the other. They weren't exactly the type of girls you would see having sleepovers and getting their nails done together. Zayn had only introduced the two of them to each other once. It was during a mutual friend's party sometime backing in May. After their little introduction, that was it. She would always greet Perrie in the halls every time she would pass by her. It was Eleanor's way of showing respect and friendship. Perrie would always politely reply or smile back in return.
That was the only connection or contact they have of each other, until now. Eleanor strode across the venue to join Perrie, out of boredom. The girl looked up at Eleanor as soon as she got to her table.
"Hey." Eleanor started, flashing Perrie a friendly smile.
"Oh. Hey, Eleanor." She greeted back.
"Why are you alone?" Eleanor questioned.
Perrie gave her a shrug in response. "He said he's going to grab a drink and twenty minutes after, he never came back. I'm pretty sure nobody takes that long to get a drink." She explained.
Eleanor pursed her lips together. "Well, at least your date actually showed up. Mine decided to forget that he asked me to this dance and now I'm alone." She complained. "I knew I shouldn't have come."
She may have only whispered it but Perrie was able to hear her despite the blaring music.
"No!" Perrie literally shouted.
Eleanor's head tilted to the side, wondering why Perrie suddenly burst out and started getting fidgety and jumpy.
"I...I mean, you should be glad you come because...because it's the end of the year dance. Who knows? This might be the last time you'll ever get to see your friends." Perrie smiled after for she was proud of herself for the white lie she made up on the spot.
Eleanor nodded in agreement. "You're right. I might have been stood up but who cares? I should be enjoying this night as much as I should." She replied.
Perfect, Perrie thought to herself with a smile.
The five lads including Danielle and Jade Thirlwall, one of Perrie's best friends were huddled up together backstage. Louis had sent a friend to keep an eye on Eleanor. He was planning to surprise the brunette once he gets on stage but as his friend told him that Eleanor was planning to leave soon, they all sent Perrie to keep Eleanor in the venue.
"Do you think this would work?" Danielle asked.
"Because there's a possibility that Eleanor wouldn't even spot Perrie." Jade added.
Suddenly, Zayn's phone started ringing. He fished it out of his pocket to see who his caller was. He looked up from his phone and glanced at his friends with hopeful eyes. "It's Perrie."
"Well...aren't you gonna answer it?" Harry questioned.
Sighing, Zayn pressed the answer button and placed his phone to his ear. As he was busy trying to hear Perrie through the loud music, everyone watched as Louis waited for the conversation to cut short so the lad would be able to tell him if his plan succeeded.
Louis's heart sped up more as Zayn finally put his phone away and had turned his attention to him. After three seconds of staring and deafening silence, a smile crept up on Zayn's face. "Boys, grab your microphones and guitar. We have a lady to sing to." He announced.
Louis now had a huge grin on his face as Zayn gave him a pat on the back and had handed him his own microphone.

Perrie had successfully dragged Eleanor by the stage, reasoning that they should at least get a good spot for the "most awaited" performance of the night.
"What performance?" Eleanor asked but didn't bother to wait for Perrie to explain everything because as soon as the lights went out, Eleanor knew exactly the answer to her own question.
"Yeah!" Eleanor's eyes grew wide as she recognized the voice.
"Uh-huh." Again, another familiar voice.
"One, two, three, four!"
For the first time that night, Eleanor finally saw Louis. Black skinny jeans that were rolled up to his ankles, a white button-up shirt and a pair of his signature boat shoes replaced his supposed to be end of the year dance suit. Eleanor couldn't help but smile at his chosen ensemble.
Harry stepped forward as he opened the song.
She sneaks out in the middle of the night, yeah
Tight dress with the top cut low
She's addicted to the feeling of letting go
Oh-whoa let it go
Eleanor watched as Louis made his way to her side of the stage and made sure he has all her attention before he started singing.
She walks in and the room just lights up
But she don't want anyone to know
That I'm the only one that gets to take her home
Oh-whoa, take her home
Eleanor wondered what Louis had meant when he sang those words to her. As if on cue, she suddenly remembered.
It was the night of Jesy Nelson's party back in May. Jade Thirlwall had invited Eleanor. She shared a class with her freshman year of college and they had been paired for numerous projects so they basically consider each other as friends.
After mingling with people she's never met before and had already been introduced to Perrie by Zayn, Eleanor was pissed off drunk. She knew her limitations when it comes to alcohol but tonight was totally an exemption. Jesy Nelson sure does know how to throw an extravagant party.
Stumbling through Jesy's backyard door, Eleanor had finally accomplished her mission to get some fresh air. She placed a hand on the doorframe to support her intoxicated body as she closes her eyes and inhaled the forest-y scent of Jesy's backyard. Eleanor spotted a chair by the poolside and decided she needed to take a seat and rest her wobbling legs. But on her journey to her chosen destination, the brunette tripped on her own foot and was so close to falling face first on the pool.
That's when she felt a pair of strong arms circled her waist and prevented her from falling completely on the water. She silently thanked whoever it was that saved her.
"Oh my goodness, Eleanor Jane Calder. You are so drunk. Let me take you home." A man's deep voice sounded in her ears.
She tilted her head upwards to see who it was and realized it was Liam. She started laughing. "Why aren't you drunk?" She asked.
Liam rolled his eyes. Typical drunken brain, he thought. He guided one of Eleanor's arms around his neck and started to gently guide her towards his car. The brunette then realized what was happening and in a blink of an eye, she started to shove Liam away from her.
"Eleanor. Eleanor, look at me." Liam instructed as he continuously blocked Eleanor's punches and shoves.
"No! Where's Louis? I want Louis!" Eleanor demanded, out of the blue.
"Louis's drunk too. He can't take you home." Liam answered.
"Take me to Louis. Where is he?"
"No. Eleanor, look at me." Liam succeeded in catching Eleanor's face and had made her look him in the eyes. "You are pissed, snockered. Louis is too. Two drunken people in one car aren't such a good idea. That's why I stayed sober. I'm the designated driver." He explained.
The alcohol had completely taken over her and exhaustion soon followed after. She didn't know how she'd done it but she managed to fall asleep while standing. With Liam supporting her head, of course.
"Great." Liam muttered as he slowly carried Eleanor bridal-style and made his way to his car.
That night was a lot of things. Drunken people everywhere, random hookups from left to right, people passing out, and almost everything anyone can imagine. But that night meant something to Liam. It wasn't because he became everyone's driver; it's because it was the night he realized that maybe...he was falling for Eleanor Calder.
Eleanor snapped back to reality. She glanced up the stage and realized that she missed the chorus due to her drifting off to la-la-land and that Niall was already on his part.
Maybe she's just trying to test me
Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work
Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth
What you're worth
And there goes Louis again with the same look he had given her before.
Maybe all her friends had told her,
"Don't get closer, he'll just break your heart"
But either way she sees in me
And it's just so hard, so hard
'Cause every time I tell her how I feel
She says it's not real
(One, two, three, four!)
She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How come she's so afraid of falling in love?
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
After the five lads had finished their football duties, they met up with Danielle, Perrie and Eleanor inside the university. Danielle stayed due to practice for dance state competition, Perrie with the same reason although she's not going to be dancing but singing, and Eleanor? Well, Danielle asked her to watch her practice.
Eleanor rolled her eyes and decided that looking at her perfectly manicured nails seemed interesting as she noticed Louis smirking at her as he walked towards where she's sat.
"Oh look who decided to join us, lads." Louis joked.
"Stop it, Louis." Eleanor snapped.
"Where's the endearment you decided to give me last week, El?" Louis pouted at the brunette.
"I decided it was horrible and I still need to come up with something more hideous." She answered.
"Well, I have a new nickname for you, El."
Even before Louis could speak out the name, Perrie decided to stop him. "You two, do you always have to fight with each other?" She asked.
"Well, he started it." Eleanor said.
"No, I did not!" Louis protested.
"Yes, you did!"
"Stop!" Liam screamed, his voice echoing through the empty hallways. "Since you guys are being so immature today, I made a decision that we should too."
Everybody turned to Liam in confusion.
"What do you mean?" Danielle asked.
"I think we should play hide and seek!" Liam exclaimed. "Whoever I'll get to tag first will be the seeker." He looked around and tagged the nearest person he could find, which was Harry.
Even before the poor lad could react, everyone ran away to find his or her hiding spots.
"Aw, man." Harry whispered to himself before he started to count to thirty.
Eleanor haven't gotten that far from Harry so she could still hear him counting. She silently thanked herself for not wearing heels that day for she would be making a lot of noise in the hallway, just like Perrie. But the girl took hers off in an attempt to not give Harry any clues as to where she could be.
"Thirty!" She heard Harry exclaim and her eyes widen for she haven't found a hiding spot yet. Out of panic, she went inside the nearest janitor's closet and gently shut the door.
Eleanor slowly inched away from the door to hide in a corner when she unintentionally bumped into another person's body. The brunette let out a glass-shattering scream in surprise. She reached for anything that she could hit the person with, but the hand on her wrist stopped her from doing so. But it didn't stop the girl from screaming though.
"Eleanor, hey. It's me Louis. Don't scream. Harry will hear us." Louis whispered to her.
The screaming resumes.
"Eleanor stop!"
Suddenly, the room grew quiet as Louis reached for Eleanor's face and did the second thing he could think of to stop her: he crashed his lips onto hers. He smiled as the brunette was finally silenced.
Eleanor knew the kissing should be stopped. She knew at least one of them should come to his or her senses and put a stop to whatever they were doing. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. For some reason, as much as she knew that she was engaged in a lip lock action with the lad she hates the most, she was enjoying every minute of it. She loves how their lips were on auto-mode as it moved in sync with the other. She loves the fact that his lips felt like heaven against hers. She knew he was enjoying it as much as she was so she set aside the fact that she should pull away.
Both of them were so busy kissing the other that they became unaware of the sound of footsteps coming closer to the janitor's closet that they were in. Before they knew it, the door swung open and there stood Harry with the cheekiest grin on his face.
"So this was what was going on between the two of you, huh?" Harry teased. "Behind all those glares and calling names, there was actually some romance brewing? Wow. I should have known!"
Eleanor's expression was like a deer in the headlights. Her eyes seemed liked it was going to pop out of its sockets. She staggered up to her feet, an explanation already forming in her mind.
"No Harry, it's not what it looks like!" Eleanor started.
"I saw everything, El. You and Lou are a couple. You two can now drop the 'I hate you' act for good." Harry said with a smile.
Eleanor glanced back at Louis as if she's asking for back up. But the lad did not attempt to do so.
Harry shrugged before shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. "Or if you want, I can keep your relationship a secret." He suggested.
"We are not together!" Eleanor protested.
"Admit that you two are a couple, or I keep quiet? It's your choice, El." Harry replied.
The brunette glared at Harry as she carefully thought over the options the taller boy had given her. Both of them were no good choices but Eleanor rather has Harry keep his mouth shut about the kiss than admit that she was in a relationship that doesn't even exist.
"Keep your mouth shut." Eleanor muttered before walking away.
Eleanor found herself glaring at Harry as the memory took over her. She knew the song was written for her so she assumed that Harry didn't keep his mouth shut. Besides, she knew the lads would ask why they wanted to put that line in their song.
What about all the things we say?
Talking on the phone so late
I can't let her get away from me
Oh, whoa
When I say that I can't do it no more
She's back in my door
Liam gave Niall a small tickle at his side causing for him to laugh accidentally as he held up the microphone to his mouth to prepare for the chorus.
After the lads had finished their song, people were starting to disperse. Turned out, the boys were the closing act. Louis caught sight of Eleanor with Danielle and Perrie at the foot of the stage.
"Hey, uh...can I talk to you for a second?" Louis asked.
Eleanor looked back at her friends as if to ask for approval and Louis was positively sure they were giving him knowing glances.
"Sure, I guess." Eleanor replied.
Louis grabbed her hand and led her outside of the venue, which basically was the parking lot.
"So...what is it you wanted to talk about?" Eleanor asked.
"I believe I haven't explained myself to you yet. So I'm going to do that now. I know that you know I like you...a lot, and I also know for a fact that you will choose me over Liam--"
"How in the world did you find out? Wait. Was it Niall? I knew that boy wouldn't be able to shut his mouth." Eleanor gritted her teeth.
"No. Niall actually did a great job of keeping your secret. I was there that night. I was listening to your conversation." Louis explained.
Eleanor pressed her lips together with a sigh. "I'm not even going to comment on that. My anger right now is through the roof and the only way for it to cool down is if you keep talking." She ranted.
A smile formed on Louis's lips. "Anyway, aside from the fact that you're hot...you are funny, confident and loud. You basically have everything I'm looking for in a girl." He explained.
"And I like you for that." Louis finished.
Eleanor tapped her chin with her fingers in thought. "Well, let's see...aside from the fact that you're so hardheaded, sassy and annoying...I actually think you're pretty funny, outgoing, loud and for the lack of a better word, cute." She blurted out, copying some of Louis's earlier sentences.
Louis suddenly lost the ability to speak, like his entire vocabulary was swept out, so he just flashed an ear-to-ear smile at the brunette.
"What?" She asked as she noticed him staring at her.
Finally, Louis managed to voice out a couple of words. "I thought you hated me?" He questioned.
Eleanor scoffed. "Why do you think I'm still here talking to you? Or hanging out with you when I can just completely ignore you?" She asked.
"Peer pressure, maybe?" Louis shrugged.
"Why do you think I kissed back when I can just shove you away?"
Louis once again gave a shrug as a response.
"Are you catching on, Lou? Do you know where I'm going with this?" Eleanor asked.
Expecting that another shrug was what she's going to get from him again, Eleanor was taken aback when Louis grabbed her neck and kissed her for the second time.
After they pulled away, Eleanor gazed up at him confusingly. "What was that for?" She asked.
"Oh, you were taking way too long with all your words and stuff so I decided to cut to the chase." Louis replied. "Besides, I knew this would end up with a kiss anyway."
"Damn right, Tommo." Eleanor muttered before standing on her toes and planted yet another kiss on his soft lips.
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