Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#41: Girl On Fire

A Cato and Clove song-shot

Clove stood proudly in front of her full-length mirror, admiring herself and Glimmer's chosen ensemble for her to don on her surprise act at the school's talent show. She had been preparing for this performance for almost a month and she couldn't hide the fact that she was pumped about it. For a couple of reasons: firstly, this was her first time performing on stage considering that she used to be a shy one who is content with being someone else's background. Secondly, after weeks of doing so and a little pouting from Glimmer and Peeta, they finally convinced Katniss to show off her newly acquired dancing skills the same time Clove will be performing. It will also be Katniss's first time on stage. And the last but not least, Clove was getting frenzy just thinking about singing in front of Cato. Her ex-boyfriend who, just a month ago, had told her she will always be in the background and will never get the chance of having the spotlight.

Clove had just finished playing the last measure of the song she just wrote, when she glanced up from her piano to gaze at her boyfriend, who was seated on the love seat across from her. Her smile faltered when she noticed he wasn't paying attention to her. Instead, he was on his phone, his fingers agitatedly hovering over the keypad.

The raven-haired girl cleared her throat. "What do you think about the song, babe?" She asked.

Cato's icy blue eyes snapped up to meet Clove's. "I'm sorry, what?" He questioned as he briskly pocketed his cell phone.

Clove allowed her shoulders to sag as she sported an incredulous expression. "Were you listening to my song? Did you ever listen to any of my song?" She questioned.

Cato sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. An old habit of his that Clove secretly admire. "I listened to all of your songs but...don't get me wrong they're all amazing but the thing is...they don't even get the chance to be heard." He explained.

Clove pursed her lips together. "I know. It's just know me, Cato. I always like to be--"

"Why can't you be more like Cashmere? I mean, she's confident and never doubts herself--"

"So this is about Cashmere, isn't it?" Clove cut him off by slamming the cover of the keys to her piano. Lately, she'd been noticing how Cato always invites Cashmere to sit at their lunch table even though he doesn't have to since she has her own. The worst was when Cato invited her to his and Clove's own table and chatted away as if Clove wasn't there. She ate in silence feeling like a third wheel.

"It's not about Cashmere, Clove." Cato responded.

"Yes, it is." She hissed. "You don't think I noticed how you're always with her most of the time? I notice things, Cato. You should know by now that I'm a very observant person."

"Nothing's going on between us. Clove, we treat each other like best friends!" Cato defended.

"That's what you said about us! Now look at where we are right now. I'm not even going to be surprised if you and Cashmere ended up being boyfriend and girlfriend someday." Clove replied.

Cato was about to voice out his argument when all of a sudden his phone started ringing. He and Clove turned to look at each other and held their gazes, as no one wanted to answer his phone. Fortunately, it immediately went to his voicemail.

"Clove, can we--"

"New voicemail from...Cashmere." The robotic female voice interrupted Cato's sentence.

"Give me your phone." Clove instructed.

"What? No!"

"Give me your goddamn phone!" Clove demanded.

Reluctant about doing such task, Cato reached behind his back to retrieve his phone. Once he had freed it from the confines of his jeans back pocket, he handed it to his fuming girlfriend.

He slightly flinched when Clove furiously snatched it away from his grasp, her long nails coming in contact with his rough palm. With one last deadly glance at him, he watched as she unlocked his phone with his password. He made a mental note to himself to change it later.

Clove put the phone on speaker so that she and Cato would be able to hear Cashmere's voicemail.

"Hey Cato. Why aren't you answering my call? I was about to ask you something because I was wondering if you're going to be free tonight and if you already dumped your stupid ass of a girlfriend? Let me know by calling me back. Bye!"

The line went dead.

"Stupid ass of a girlfriend? Is that how you describe me now?"

"Clove, I--"

"And you're dumping me? Cato, what did I ever do to you?" She questioned, trying her best to not let her voice crack due to the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry, Clove. I should have told you this earlier but...I'm honestly growing tired of our relationship. I mean, we barely go out to dates anymore and we're running out of things to talk about. You spend most of your time on your stupid piano writing songs that I never really liked in the first place." Cato blurted out.

When Clove didn't utter a single word, the blonde rambled on.

"I hate to break it to you'll always be in the background, Clove. That's where you always belong. With your lack of confidence...believe me, I tried everything to make you gain more but none of them worked. And when you're lacking it, you might never have the chance to shine."

Having said that, Cato allowed himself out of her abode.

"Ouch. Such harsh words to say." Glimmer said as she went out of her hiding spot. She came barely ten minutes ago to spend the rest of the day with Clove but realized Cato was there so she entertained herself in the kitchen. She heard the whole thing so she knows all her friend needed at the moment was a hug. And a reassuring hug she offered.

Cato literally had to drag his entire body weight on the way to the auditorium where the talent show will be held. Marvel had forced him to tag along since he had been informed by Thresh that Glimmer, Marvel's long time crush since fourth grade, will be on one of the acts.

"Come on, Cato. Hurry up so we can get a good seat." Marvel complained.

"Knowing you Marvel, you can irritate people away from their seats. Besides, I'm pretty sure Thresh reserved the front row for us." Cato responded. "He's the man."

Marvel thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, you're right." He said.

Finally, after a couple of dreadful strides for Cato, they had reached the front row. As Cato had guessed, their friend really did reserve it for them.

Almost after they had settled down, the lights went out signaling that the program was about to start.

When the final act was already starting to prepare to finish, Clove was given the cue for her to get to her position. So did Katniss, Peeta and the rest of the group that will be on her performance.

Clove took a deep breath as the audience stood up to give a standing ovation for the previous act. Her nervousness soon faded as trepidation replaced it when she noticed everyone starting to cram together by the door, eager to call it a night. She worried no one will get to watch her perform.

But Johanna Mason and Gale Hawthorne came to her rescue.

"Everyone, please return to your seats! We have a never-before-seen act or should I say never-before-seen performing on stage coming up." Johanna announced.

"Prepare to be amazed!" Gale added before exiting the stage with Johanna.

Cato wasn't one of those people cramming up by the door. He noticed his friends weren't leaving their seats so he decided to just go with whatever they were planning. For some reason, Cato had this feeling from his gut that whatever it is they were planning definitely has something to do with him.

That's when two of the student body officers came on stage to announce one final act.

"This must be Glimmer's." Marvel whispered to him.

Before he could even open his mouth to speak, the lights went out again and the stage glowed the shade of red. Almost immediately, Cato heard a girl's voice. He wasn't quite sure if it was Clove since she only likes to let him listen to the melodies of her song and not the actual words that came along with it. But he had heard her hum a couple of times before.

One thing's for sure though, Cato grew excited and eager to find out the mystery singer.

She's just a girl and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy
Lonely like a highway
She's living in a world and it's on fire
Feeling the catastrophe
But she know she can fly away

Cato's eyes stopped from wandering around, trying to find the mysterious singer when a single spotlight shone on the stage. It revealed Katniss and Peeta dancing. They were both dressed in a full black attire. He watched as Peeta placed his hands under Katniss's arms and hoisted her up in the air, whilst the mysterious singer continuously sang.

Oh, oh
She got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Oh, oh
She got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down

There was a brief moment of silence before another bright spotlight shone down towards the back of the auditorium. Cato turned around the same time his friends let out gasps of surprise. His eyes automatically widen as he spotted Clove walking down the aisle that leads up to the stage. She was wearing a black moto leather jacket with a gray Iron Maiden muscle tee underneath. Glimmer had paired it with red pants and Clove's famous black combat boots. To finish the outfit, Clove adorned a spiky black necklace outlined with gold.

This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl on fire

Clove eyed Cato carefully as she ran up the steps to the stage. She had hoped she made it clear to him that she's referring to herself in the song. But by the looks of it, he already knew.

When she had reached the piano located at the side of the stage, she quickly attached the microphone to its stand and placed her fingers on the piano keys after.

Katniss and Peeta were still dancing gracefully on the other side of the stage whilst Clove continued her song.

Looks like a girl but she's s flame
So bright she can burn your eyes
Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls

Say oh, we got our feet on the ground
And we're burning it down
Oh, got our head in the clouds
And we're not coming down

Cato kept his eyes glued to Clove. She had always been the shy and simple one that is why seeing her in a different angle was quite foreign for him. Also, he couldn't help but to admit to him that Clove's voice was so powerful. He just wished she let him know about it earlier. Or she could have at least allowed him a chance to listen to it. But Cato knows it was his fault. He never once asked her to sing so she didn't.

Am I really that careless? Cato asked himself.

He was soon taken out of his trance when one more spotlight finally lit the stage completely. Marvel slightly jumped from his seat as he spotted Glimmer on the stage. She, along with Foxface, Rue, Delly, Annie, Johanna and Madge were all dressed in full black the same as Katniss and Peeta. They all stood in a line horizontally, each with a microphone stand in front of them.

This girl is on fire
(Fire, fire)
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
(Fire, fire)
This girl is on fire

Clove detached her fingers from the piano keys to grab the microphone. Katniss and Peeta slightly backed away as to give Clove more room to walk around. The raven-haired girl made her way close to the side of the stage where her ex-boyfriend was seated. She locked eyes with him as she sang the whole verse.

(Oh, oh)
Everybody stands as she goes by
'Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes
Watch her as she's lighting up the night
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl
And it's a lonely world
But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby

Clove tore her eyes away from Cato's blue ones so she could tilt her head backwards to allow more space in her neck so she'd be able to hit the remaining high notes properly just as she had practiced. As she was singing the chorus, she started to walk back to the baby grand piano.

This girl is on fire
(Fire, fire)
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
(Fire, fire)
This girl is on fire

When she had finally reached the said musical instrument, she reattached the microphone to its stand and her fingers once again met the monochrome keys. She started to wave her right arm to gesture the audience to do the same. A smile crept up on her lips as the crowd immediately got what she was trying to hint at.

Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

A single tear rolled down Clove's rosy cheek as she let her eyes linger on the audience. It was a happy tear for she was proud of herself that she became brave enough to show off one of her original compositions. Though the song was obviously inspired by Cato. She just hoped she proved him that she's strong enough to be able to do such a thing as performing. Cato never would have imagined her doing it. Only then Clove realized that Cato never believed in her as much as she did to him.

The single beat of the drum and the sudden darkening of the stage took her out of her trance. The spotlight on Katniss and Peeta and her backup singers were turned off leaving one to shine down on her as the stage once again glowed in red.

She's just a girl and she's on fire

The audience stood up to give her a standing ovation. Her smile grew when she heard a couple of them started wolf whistling at her and cheered her name. But as her eyes flickered towards his spot on the crowd, he wasn't there. It was a good thing her eyes were fast enough to see him just in time his retreating figure was entirely out of her line of vision.

Katniss and the rest of the group ran towards Clove as soon as she stepped foot backstage. She was then bombarded with congratulatory hugs and kisses (from the girls of course). But her expression remained blank and she would make quick glances towards the audience in case Cato decided to come back.

Foxface being the witty one and can see through everyone's facade noticed Clove's expression. "Clove, are you okay?" She asked.

"Have any of you guys seen Cato?" Clove asked.

Gale raised his hand up to grab the girl's attention. "I saw him leaving the school. Why?" He wondered.

"I have to go." Clove said as she started advancing towards the exit. "Thanks, Gale!" She added.

"Clove, wait!" Glimmer yelled. "Why are you looking for Cato?"

"He's the real reason why I wanted to perform in the first place. I'll tell you guys more later but I really have to go." Clove answered.

She sprinted towards the exit that leads to the parking lot. She just hopes she's not too late. She quickens her pace in an attempt to not let the blonde get away.

Cato unlocked his car and was opening his door when he heard footsteps behind him. The sound of her voice caught him by surprise.

"Cato! No, wait!"

He turned around and was frozen in place until Clove was stood in front of him. Pure confusion etched on his face.


She was too breathless to respond so she held up a finger to signal him to hold on. After a couple of gasps for air, Clove was finally capable of speaking.

"Why did you leave?" Clove questioned.

Cato shrugged. "I don't know really. I guess your song was like a huge slap to my face." He reasoned.

"I'm just glad you got the hint. I mean, I even thought you wouldn't get it on the process of writing the song."

"But I did and now you've won." Cato snapped.

"I won? There wasn't even a competition, Cato!"

"You were too naive to not notice there was!"

"Oh. Enlighten me, then." Clove suggested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"In the past month, you thought we're clearly ignoring each other. But we aren't. Somehow, somewhere deep inside us we are still acknowledging one another. Just in a way you never imagined. I can tell that both of us wanted to prove to the other that we had moved on--"

"I wasn't trying to prove anything!" Clove lied.

"You are, Clove. Just by being on that stage and singing that song. I know you are trying to prove me." Cato calmly responded.

Clove couldn't quite figure out how he remained so calm. She knew for a fact that in times like this, Cato's temper is quite irrepressible. Though she wanted to savor the moment while Cato is still collected.

She sighed knowing that she had lost and had no point in pushing the argument further. "You're right. I was trying to prove something." She mumbled, completely trying to avoid his blue eyes.

"But you don't have to. I know you had it in you." Cato admitted.

Clove ran a hand through her messy ponytail and down her face in annoyance. "Okay now you're just being confusing. You told me before I don't have confidence and now you're saying I do?" She asked.

"I wasn't thinking clearly that day. I took a few shots of alcohol from Marvel's before you asked me to come over. My mind was clouded and words just...couldn't wait to come out. And then Cashmere sent that fucking voicemail and it just ruined everything." Cato explained.

Clove chewed on her bottom lip in thought. Ever since the break up, she had never seen or heard of Cashmere again. She just magically disappeared. Like, poof! Gone.

"Can I ask you one thing?" She wondered.

"Yeah, sure."

"What happened to you and Cashmere after that uhm...incident?" Clove interrogated.

Cato sighed. He looked intently into Clove's eyes before reaching for her arm and felt her squirm under his touch. He couldn't quite hide the smirk that formed upon his lips at the thought of the effect he had on Clove was still wholly there. "Relax, Clove. I just want you to come with me." He said.

"W-where are we going? Where are you t-taking me?" Clove stuttered.

He laughed at her as he gently led her towards the back of his truck.

"Oh." Clove muttered as she felt her cheeks reddening due to embarrassment.

Cato pulled down the trunk door and placed his hands under Clove's arms to hoist her up. Once she was comfortable with her position, he lifted himself up and sat closely next to her. There was barely any gap between their thighs causing for their knees to bump against the other.

"It's quite a long story actually." Cato sighed.

"We have time." Clove replied. "Besides, every long story has its own short version, right?"

Cato raked his hand through his blonde hair. Clove had to bite her lip to prevent herself from saying things that would further embarrass her. The trunk door incident was enough for her and she doesn't want to add more to that.

"Cashmere, so to say is...a lot worse. I'm not saying you were a bad girlfriend because you weren't but...she was worse." Cato started. "Too much confidence Clove is just...too much."

Clove let out a howling laugh. It was the kind that Cato loved about her. In fact, it was what drawn his attention to her. Her lunch table was near his that time and she laughed at something her friend had probably told her. Since then, he started acknowledging her trying to get to know the girl better.

"First you wanted someone who has more confidence and now you said you're having too much? Your love life is just so messed up, Cato." Clove informed, laughing.

Cato chuckled along with her. "I know. But I finally know now how much confidence I really wanted." He said, his voice going down an octave.

Clove's smile faltered as well. She knew that if Cato's voice lowered than its usual tone, he was being serious about the topic in hand. "What?" She questioned.

"The one that I saw tonight performing on stage. That's what I really wanted." He whispered in her ear.

Her breath hitched as she felt his hot breath tickling her earlobe. She turned her head to the side to look at the boy beside her and gasped at their newfound close proximity.

"Cato..." she murmured against his lips that were mere inches away from hers.

"I want you, Clove. I want us to try again. Give our relationship a second chance." Cato pleaded with his eyes closed.

Clove shook her head. "I...I'm not sure, Cato."

"Please. If it didn't work out, I'll leave you alone."

"How 'bout we just stay as friends? I mean, now that we're on good terms, I don't want to jeopardize that. And it's better this way. No one will get hurt." Clove explained.

Cato considered it for a moment. As much as he hated the fact that he had just been friend zoned, if it is what Clove wants, then he has nothing against it. He knew she's just saying this because she's afraid to have a repetition of their break up. But at least Cato made it clear to Clove that he was under the slightest influence of alcohol that day.

He gave her a nod as he reluctantly leaned away from Clove. "You're right." He uttered. "But can you at least allow me the honor of taking you to dinner tonight?"

"Cato." She warned.

"Come on, Clove. As friends?"

Clove softened a bit and flashed a smile. "As friends."

He stretched out a hand for her to take as she jumped out of her seat. He led her to the passenger side and opened up the door for her. Cato then ran towards the driver's side and started driving away.

Even if they're just friends, Cato was happy to still have Clove in his life. The past month that they were apart made his realize that she will always be a part of his life and without her...he's just incomplete. He also knew for a fact that, fortunately, Clove felt the same way.

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