Sunday, September 2, 2012

#21: Save You Tonight

A Sebastian Smythe and Santana Lopez song-shot

~ ~ ~

Sebastian strode through Dalton Academy’s parking lot searching for his car. He was in a happy mood, for tomorrow is Regionals and he was confident about The Warblers’ performance. Of course they were going to sing a One Direction song but…The Warblers managed to make the song even better.
A while ago during their last rehearsal, Nick approached him and asked him what pushed Sebastian to do this song, or what was his inspiration. As always, his response was nothing but a simple sip of his coffee. He took off and left Nick with his unanswered question.
He whistles the One Direction song as he unlocked his car. But as Sebastian was about to head inside his convertible, he saw two figures leaning by the car parked beside his. He was certain he saw a guy and a girl. Odd thing is, the girl looked like Santana’s girlfriend, Brittany.
Being the nosy guy that he is, Sebastian slowly crept up towards them and eavesdropped. And what he found out surprised him.
“Tomorrow night after Regionals, Santana and I are going out for a date and I promise you, it’ll be our last date…ever.”

~ ~ ~

“From Lima, Ohio: The Dalton Academy Warblers!”

The stage slowly lighted up as a single spotlight shone down on the whole choir. Altogether, every single member raised their head slowly as they started to sing the intro a cappella.

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break you
Leave you torn apart, oh
Sebastian stepped out of the group as he sang his solo.
It's a quarter to three can't sleep at all
He's so overrated
If you told me to jump, I'd take the fall
And he wouldn't take it

All that you want's under you nose, yeah
You should open your eyes but they stayed closed, closed
Sebastian kept his gaze focused on a certain Latina on the crowd, trying to catch her eyes.
I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break you
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
But for you I'll be superhuman
I, I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
Yesterday when Nick asked him what his inspiration was, Sebastian said none. But after hearing everything that happened in the parking lot that day, he finally came to realization that this song will officially be for Santana Lopez.
Oh now you're at home and he don't call
Cause he don't adore you
To him you are just another doll
And I tried to warn you

What you want, what you need has been right here
I can see that you're holding back those tears, tears
Succeeding, Sebastian caught Santana’s eyes. The Latina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she watched Sebastian on stage. She suddenly felt like this song was about her, like Sebastian was singing it to her.
Santana shook the thought away, convincing herself she was just over assuming everything up.
I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break you
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
But for you I'll be superhuman
I, I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight

Up, up and away
I'll take you with me
Up, up and away
I'll take you with me

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break you
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman
But for you I'll be superhuman

I, I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
The Warblers bowed their heads in sync as the lights went out.
Backstage, the New Directions prepared for their number. Sebastian walked in and saw Santana by the corner. He made his way towards her and caught the Latina giving him an eye roll in annoyance.
“What do you want?” Santana asked as Sebastian stood in front of her.
“Nothing. But I’m giving you a warning.” Sebastian replied before walking away, joining Nick and Jeff as they congratulated their choir members for their astounding performance.
Santana watched him carefully, trying to decipher the meaning behind what Sebastian told her. Is he warning her about the competition? Does he really think he’s going to win Regionals?
In your dreams, Smythe, Santana thought to herself.
With one last glance at Sebastian, Santana joined the New Directions as they took their positions on the stage.

~ ~ ~

Brittany and Santana strolled the park hand-in-hand. People were staring but Santana doesn’t care one bit. All that she knows is that she’s having a very magical night. First, the New Directions won Regionals and secondly, this is the night where she and Brittany planned on having their very first kiss. And no, lady kisses don’t count.
“So, you told me you were going to tell me something. What is it?” Brittany asked as she sat down on a bench.
Santana grinned. “Oh. I was thinking maybe you should come over for dinner one time and then I’ll introduce you to my parents as my girlfriend and not my best friend.” She answered.
“Oh, wasn’t expecting that.” Brittany replied with matching fake smile.
Santana cocked her head to the side, confused. “Why? What were you expecting?” she asked.
“N-nothing.” Brittany shook her head as she stared far-off the distance.
Santana unintentionally glanced to her left and swore that she saw Sebastian’s car and the owner himself. She suddenly felt like being watched and spied and all, but then, why would she even think that Sebastian’s in the park? What is he supposed to do here? The last place you’ll ever see one Sebastian Smythe besides the Lima Bean, is this crappy park.
To try to shoo the thought away, she stared at the beautiful girl sitting beside her. Santana watched as her blue eyes sparkled in the night; how her lose strands would fall perfectly; and how her skin was so smooth and so silky and shiny in the moonlight. Well, not like the vampire kind of like shine. But still, for Santana, Brittany shines tonight.
“Santana…” Brittany suddenly spoke up.
“Hmm?” she answered as she continuously gazed dreamily at her girlfriend.
“I…I have to tell you something.” Brittany said nervously.
“What is it, Britt?” Santana interrogated.
“I need to be completely honest with you. I’m seeing someone else behind your back.” Brittany confessed.
Santana felt like she was slapped so hard in the face. “W-what do you m-mean?”
“What I mean is, I’m having an affair with someone other than you.” Brittany explained.
“What? Who is she? What does she look like? Is she skinnier than me, more beautiful, more appealing? What, Brittany?! I need to know!” Santana burst out.
“No, he’s…he’s—“
He?” Santana asked, wide-eyes. “You’re having an affair with a guy behind my back?”
“I told you before Santana, I’m not lesbian. I’m bisexual. I like girls and I like boys.” Brittany replied.
“Who is he? What school does he go to?” Santana asked a bit calmer this time.
“He goes to Dalton Academy. He’s one of The Warblers.” Brittany answered.
Santana’s eyes widen as realization dawned on her. “Oh. My. Gosh. You’re having an affair with Sebastian Smythe? Is that why his car—“
Brittany shook her head. “No, not with Sebastian…with Jeff. And I like him so much that I…I decided to continue my relationship with him and break it off with you.”
Santana suddenly felt tears pooling in her eyes. Even before she could wipe it away, the tears already fell down her cheeks. “What did I ever do to you for me to deserve something like this?” she asked.
Brittany shook her head. “Nothing Santana. You did nothing. You’re perfect, actually. But maybe…perfect isn’t really what I wanted.” She said before giving Santana one last kiss on her forehead and walked away.
Santana watched as Jeff met Brittany at the parking lot. Her sobs harden as she watched Jeff scooped Brittany up and kissed her full on the lips.
~ ~ ~

Seeing Santana in that kind of situation, Sebastian knew it was his cue to leave the car and be Santana’s rescue team. She wasn’t that far away from where he was parked, so it just took him about a minute to get to where Santana is.
Sebastian sat down beside a sobbing Santana. She had her head bowed down so she has no idea it was he.
“Here.” Sebastian said as he offered Santana his handkerchief.
Santana raised her head and wiped her tears away when she saw that it was Sebastian. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “From what I believe, Sebastian Smythe wouldn’t be caught dead hanging around in this park.”
Sebastian scoffed. “Yeah, right. I believed that too. But not tonight…”
“The warning. You were warning me about something. What is it?” Santana asked.
“This.” Sebastian simply answered. “I know I should’ve told you this earlier but I know you wouldn’t believe one bit of it. Yesterday, I overheard Brittany and Jeff talking and Brittany saying something about how this would be your last date because she’s going to end it with you to be with Jeff.”
Santana sniffed. “You’re right about that. She left me for Jeff.” She said.
“I’m sorry about that Santana.” Sebastian said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Here, please take it because you look like a mess.” He offered her his handkerchief for the second time that night.
“Are you sure there’s nothing in this handkerchief, like a chemical poison or anything?” Santana asked.
Sebastian shook his head. “There’s nothing in there, I promise. It’s safe.”
Santana, finally convinced, took the handkerchief from Sebastian’s hand and used it to wipe her face up.
“Come here.” Sebastian said as he pulled Santana closer to him.
“What are you doing?” Santana asked.
“Come on Santana, just forget about that Sebastian Smythe and enjoy the kind side of him. I was just trying to comfort you because somehow, I know this would happen.” Sebastian said.
Sebastian and Santana both fell silent after that. Santana kept on sniffing as Sebastian continuously rubs her arm for comfort. He always knew he wasn’t the comforting type of guy but tonight, he knew he had to be that guy for the sake of Santana.
“Can you take me home?” Santana asked.
“By taking you home, you mean my convertible driving through Lima Heights Adjacent? Please.” Sebastian answered.
Santana laughed for the first time ever since the Brittany incident. “There it is. That’s the Sebastian I know.”
“I was just kidding. Of course, I’ll take you home.” Sebastian said.
~ ~ ~

“Thanks, Sebastian. For everything.” Santana said as Sebastian pulled up in front of her house. “I really appreciated it.” She leaned in and planted a kiss on Sebastian’s cheek.
Sebastian smirked. “No problem.”
Santana smiled and as she was about to unload his car, Sebastian grabbed her arms, which slowly slid down to hold her hand. “Santana, wait.”
The Latina sat back down and raised an eyebrow at Sebastian. “What?”
“I want us to be friends. Let’s forget about what happened in the past. Let’s start over.” Sebastian said.
“Why are you saying this?” Santana asked.
“Because I want to be there for you whenever you need someone.” Sebastian answered. “I want to be a part of your life.” He added.
Santana smiled. “If this isn’t a trap or anything, then yes. I’d like to be your friend, Sebastian Smythe.”
Sebastian nodded as he finally allowed the Latina to unload his car. But for the second time, he stopped her again.
Santana laughed. “What now, Sebastian?” she asked.
Sebastian didn’t respond. Instead, he slowly leaned in and gave Santana the sweetest kiss Sebastian could muster. When they pulled away, they were both grinning.
“I thought you’re gay?” Santana asked.
“And I thought you are too.” Sebastian replied.
Both of them slowly closed their eyes as they found themselves leaning in for another kiss.
“Good night, Smythe.”
“Good night, Satan.”
Santana unloaded his car and watched as his car dispersed into the darkness. She accidentally looked down and noticed that she still had Sebastian’s handkerchief. She was about to text him to inform him about his handkerchief, but remembered she didn’t even have his number.
Santana just smiled and held the handkerchief closer to her. She had decided that from now on, she would always remember that night not because of Brittany, but because of Sebastian Smythe.

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