Tuesday, October 23, 2012

#22: Santa, Can You Hear Me?

Phillip Phillips and Elise Testone song-shot

~ ~ ~

December 24, 2011
It’s almost Christmas Day and I have zero doubts that I will be a member of SCD, which is an acronym for Single on Christmas Day. Isn’t it strange that I don’t have a girlfriend, when I possess such good looks? The reason is, I’m still finding the right one. I already had two girlfriends before but neither of them had never made me feel like I was different; that a guy like me is very hard to find; that I’m different from those other guys they used to date.
I’m sitting on our living room couch while the whole Phillips clan were at the kitchen, feasting.
“Phillip, honey? Why are you here alone? You don’t want to eat?” My mom asked.
“Nah, I’m still full.” I answered.

“Full or not, Phillip you need to eat! Later on, you and your cousins are going somewhere.” Mom said.
We’re going somewhere? Where? We never went out on Christmas Eve, except when we have to attend church.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Oh, you don’t know, Phillip? See, our village is holding their very first Christmas event. They were hoping that this would become an annual event. They set up a huge Christmas tree and a big white board, in which you’ll have to write your Christmas wish on it. Your cousins want to try it out so, I’ve decided we’ll tag along.” Mom explained.
I thought for it a while. “You mean like a public wish list?” I asked.
Mom cocked her head to the side. “Something like that. Come on, let’s eat so that later on, when we get there, you won’t get hungry.” She said with a smile as she pats my knee.
“Okay. Go ahead, I’ll be with you in a moment.” I said. Mom kissed my forehead before she left. Public wish list, what the heck is that? And who came up with that idea? Never mind, I’ll just go and grab something to eat. I stood up and headed for the kitchen.
~ ~ ~
After we ate, everybody was so excited to go to that so-called “public wish list.” What was so special about that that we have to come and check it out? Not that I don’t want to but I’m kind of not in the mood to go around places. I just want to stay home like we always do during Christmas Eve.
My cousins and I loaded inside my uncle’s car since my parents and my aunts and uncles rode our family car. It was just a short drive to our destination. When we got there, the first word that came out of my mouth was: “Whoa.”
Okay. I know what I said earlier about the public wish list and how it wasn’t that special at all (at least for me). But I admit the Christmas tree is the one that stood out. It was gigantic with Christmas lights wrapped around it from top to bottom and little and big ornaments hanging by their branches. I looked to my right and I saw this humongous whiteboard and there are already lots of people who wrote their wishes. I got out of the car as fast as I can and walked towards the three.
Santa, can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want, just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa, that's my only wish this year
Britney Spear’s song was playing as we took a lot of photos as a family beside the Christmas tree, then in the corner of my eye, I saw this girl near the big whiteboard. She’s cute well, scratch that…she’s gorgeous! She’s like an angel who came down from heaven.
God, she’s so beautiful. She really looks like an angel in that white dress she’s wearing. She’s also taking pictures with her family and friends. She’s so charming and when she smiles, I couldn’t help but smile as well.
What is this feeling? Why is my heart pounding out of my chest? Is this what people call love at first sight? But I’m guessing that even those other guys would experience love at first sight with her, because she’s so damn beautiful.
I will never ever forget that face. She’s so beautiful that I can’t stop saying how beautiful she is. My ex-girlfriends had nothing on her.
I was still looking at her up ‘till now, and then the unexpected happens…
I gasped.
She looked at me and she smiled. I smiled back at her and I gave her a tiny wave.
Oh no, someone called me and I broke eye contact with Ms. Charming!
I looked around me; my cousins aren’t standing by the Christmas tree anymore. They were by the big whiteboard already. I walked towards them. “Yes?” I asked.
“It’s your turn now. We’ve already written down our wishes.” Mom answered.
“Oh, okay.” I said in surprise.
When I was about to reach for the board marker, a group of girls stood in front of me and took the marker before I get the chance to. Of course, I was overly annoyed. It was my turn to write!
But my annoyance quickly faded away when I saw that it was Ms. Charming’s group of friends. It’s okay if they get to write before I do. Besides, I want to let Ms. Charming know that I’m a gentleman through my actions even without words.
“Hey, it’s my turn!” Ms. Charming said.
Her voice is so cute, almost like a little girl’s.
She finished writing and then it was my turn…again. When I was about to write, I couldn’t help but notice the last written Christmas wish.
My Christmas wish is somebody to love…

That was what’s written. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Then I remembered. Ms. Charming was the last one who wrote her Christmas wish. I couldn’t help but smile.

So that only means that if she’s single and I’m single, then…
We have a chance!!
I feel so giddy. Why? Because of Ms. Charming, obviously!
And the other reason why I feel so giddy is because Ms. Charming and I have the same exact Christmas wish!
“Phillip! Are you done with that? Faster!” My mom yelled at me from the crowd.
I wrote my wish just like how Ms. Charming wrote it. I wrote somebody to love too since that’s all I really ask for during Christmas for the last three years.
I was walking towards my cousins when I accidentally bumped into someone. Her phone fell. I picked it up then I secretly checked it if there’s damage but luckily, there was none.
“I’m sorry. Here’s your phone.” I said as I handed back her phone. I wasn’t looking at that person because I was still looking for damages at her phone in case I missed something when I was checking it out.
“Thank you.” It was a girl.
I froze. Her voice sounds so familiar, like I’ve heard that voice somewhere. I took the chance to look at her while she was still standing in front of me and guess what? IT’S MS. CHARMING!!
“Ms. Charming?” I said. Oh no! Did I just say that out loud?
“What?” she asked then she smiled at me.
“Huh? Um…I mean, nothing. Nothing. Forget that I said something.” I answered.
She laughed. Holy, she’s so cute!
“Why? What did you say?” she asked me.
“Nothing. I said you’re cute.” I told her.
“Phillip! Let’s go!” My mom yelled again.
I really wanted to scream at that moment. Can’t my mom see that I’m having a conversation with a girl? That my wish might be coming true at this very moment? “Mom, can you go ahead. My friend texted me and he wants me to come over to his house. I can go home by myself.” I told my mom.
“Okay, but be sure to come home early.” Mom said. I nodded at her then I smiled.
Truth is, no friend of mine texted me to come over to his house. I just really want to stay longer and get to know more about Ms. Charming. And I won’t be going until I learn her name.
I looked back to where I saw Ms. Charming but she wasn’t there anymore. Where could she be? Maybe she already went home. Aw, I didn’t even ask for her name yet!
“Excuse me?” a girl from behind me said. I looked back in case she’s Ms. Charming…
…And it was she!!
I grinned when I saw her. “Yes?” I asked.
“I couldn’t help but notice you ever since you were standing by the Christmas tree. Can I ask what’s your name?” she asked me.
So, she’s been noticing me a while ago too, huh? Hmm…interesting.
“I’m Phillip.” I answered as I draw out my hand for her to shake.
“Elise.” She answered then she shook hands with me.
“Elise…that’s a unique name. I rarely hear that name.” I said and she blushed.
“Thank you.” She replied. “Hey um, so my friends are at their best today that they totally left me here. If you don’t mind, can you, um, walk with me?” Elise asked.
I’M SO LUCKY!! After all this time that I’ve been worrying how to ask her out, she’s been doing all the job! But of course, she doesn’t know that I like her. I’m pretty sure I’m experiencing love at first sight.
“Sure. Where are we going?” I asked.
“I was wondering you’ll come and walk me home.” Elise blushed.
As I said a while ago, I’m tired of going out on Christmas Eve, but everything changed when Elise was the one who asks to go around. I nodded and then we started walking around, heading to the direction of my village. I don’t know why we’re heading that way. Maybe she lives in a different area in this village.
“Are you from this village?” I asked her.
She looked at me then she smiled. “Yes, you?” Elise answered.
“Yep.” I replied.
“Really? That’s great! So, I’m guessing we’d be seeing each other around huh?” Elise said.
Yes, I heard it right! She wants to see me again.
“Phillip, right?” she asked.
“Yes.” I answered.
“I hope I can stick around longer but…this is my house. So…yeah.” Elise said.
I gazed at her house and I was surprised. It was a three-story, contemporary designed house. It was so huge compared to mine! And then it hit me. They were the new neighbors who moved last month and Elise lives five blocks away from me!
“Sure, I’ll see you around then?” I asked.
“Yeah. Thanks for walking me home and…it’s nice meeting you.” Elise said.
“It’s great to meet you, too!” I responded.
“Merry Christmas!” Elise greeted.
“Merry Christmas too!”
Elise smiled and I watched her as she walks inside her house. When I made sure she’s safe inside, I started walking back home.
“Phillip!” someone shouted.
I looked back to see who it was.
“Elise?!” I asked. I was shocked because I never thought that she’d be calling me when I saw her get inside her house. “Why?”
“Can I get your number?” Elise asked as she handed me her phone and she was blushing crimson red.
She’s so cute that I couldn’t help but pinch her cheeks as I laughed.
She laughed. “Why did you do that?” Elise asked.
“Nothing. It’s just that you’re so cute.” I answered. She looked to her right and then she smiled, blushing as well.
“Anyway, here’s my number. I already typed it in. Named under Phillip, of course.” I said as I handed back her phone.
Elise took her phone and then she smiled. “Thanks.”
Elise walked away and I started walking back to my house. Seconds later, I heard high heels clicking and then I saw Elise standing in front of me, panting. I was about to say something when she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my cheek and then she ran away without a word.
I was too shock to move but deep inside, I feel all so giddy. When I got to my house, the grin that had been plastered on my face never left. I smile like a fool as I recall all the happenings that had occurred.
It came true.
My Christmas wish came true.
Elise granted it.

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