Wednesday, October 31, 2012

#24: Marry Me

Sam Evans and Quinn Fabray song-shot
[Featuring: Finchel and Sebtana]

~ ~ ~

“Go to McKinley High’s auditorium. 5PM. Friday. I’ll be there.”
Quinn Fabray crumpled the piece of paper she found in one of her luggage in annoyance.  She’d been receiving anonymous notes from everybody at her college and she’s just getting sick of it. If it’s a guy who admires her, Quinn hopes he’d just man up and tell her already. If it’s a girl, well, Quinn’s sorry if she’s being a little bitch to them. It’s not her fault those girls were acting like they own the school and Quinn’s just a piece of garbage left lying on the carpeted floor.
Now that she’s back in Ohio for the winter break, those notes still kept on coming to her.
“Quinn, sweetie!” Judy called her from downstairs.
“Yes, Mom? I’m still unpacking!” Quinn replied.

“Your friend Rachel is here. She said she has to take you somewhere.” Judy answered.

Once Rachel’s name was mentioned, Quinn dropped everything she has in her hands and sprinted her way downstairs, almost missing a step.

“Whoa there, Quinn. Watch your step.” Rachel said as she caught Quinn’s arm incase she would fall down.
“Aaahhh!! Rachel!” Quinn squealed as she engulfed Rachel in a bear hug. “How are you?”
“I’m fine. How about you?” Rachel questioned back.
“Well, I was just unpacking upstairs and I got another note from anonymous, saying I should go to McKinley High’s auditorium on Friday.” Quinn answered. “I don’t know if it’s today since it’s Friday or the next Friday.”
“A note?” Rachel asked. “Can I see it?”
“Wait. I’ll just go get it upstairs.” Quinn rushed back up the stairs and seconds later, she was running back down, unfolding the crumpled paper. “This is the note.”
Rachel took it and her eyes widen after she read the note. “I got the same one. But it says today instead of Friday.” She said.
“What time is it?” Quinn asked.
“It’s almost five.” Rachel answered. “Do you think we should check it out?”
Quinn nodded. “I was going to ask you the same question.” She replied.
Rachel took out her car keys from her purse. “Ms. Fabray, Quinn and I are just going to check out McKinley High’s newest Glee Club.” She said as Judy walked past by them.
“But it’s winter break.” Judy replied.
Quinn stepped in. “Actually, Mr. Schue called us to go to McKinley High.” She lied.
Judy’s face lit up. “Oh okay then. Go ahead honey, you can finished unpacking later.”
“Okay. Bye mom!”
~ ~ ~
Rachel and Quinn arrived at McKinley High and all the doors were locked. The two best friends started to regret coming over. Rachel was over thinking everything while Quinn was trying to calm the brunette.
“Rachel, calm down. This is not a set up. Of course the school will be locked and empty, school are over. It’s winter break! Geez, you’re overreacting.” Quinn said.
The brunette placed her hand on her chest while puffing our shaky breaths. “Then who would ask us to come here then?” Rachel asked.
Quinn opened her mouth to say something but closed it immediately when she saw a tiny folded pink paper stuck on the door. She wasn’t even sure why she didn’t see it in the first place. “Hey, what’s that?” she asked.
Rachel swiftly turned around. “What? What is it? What did you see, Q?”
Instead of answering Rachel’s infinite chain of questions, Quinn leaned in to reach for the note.
“Q, what is it? Please answer—“
“Go around the building. Maybe that’ll help.” Quinn read the note, interrupting Rachel mid-sentence. She grabbed Rachel’s arm and dragged her around the building.
“Hey, wai—aahhhhh!!!”
“Wow, never knew New York can turn an overly dramatic person into something more supreme dramatic.” Quinn commented as they rounded a corner.
Rachel glared at the back of Quinn’s head. “I’m not a supreme dramatic. I just think this is a set up. Maybe it’s a revenge for what I did to Sunshine back then.”
“Oh. My. Gosh, Rachel. That was years ago! Who would want to take revenge?” Quinn asked.
Rachel was silent for a moment. “I don’t know…maybe—“
“Hey look, is that who I think she is?” Quinn whispered to Rachel as she pointed at a certain girl standing by the school’s only unlocked door. Quinn could tell it was unlocked because it was open.
Rachel followed Quinn’s finger and gasped. “Oh. My. Gosh!”
The Latina briskly turned around and her confused expression enlightened. “Quinn! Rachel!” she exclaimed as she ran towards them and both engulfed them in a hug.
“What are you doing here?” Quinn asked.
Santana reached for her coat’s pocket and held up a crumpled piece of paper. “The note told me to come here. I don’t know whom it is from though. Might be a set up.” Santana said.
Rachel turned to Quinn. “I told you this is a set up!”
Quinn looked up as she starts to pull at her hair. “This isn’t a set up, okay? I might be getting tons of notes from anonymous lately but I know, I have a feeling this isn’t one of those notes that’s full of crap. I know this is something worth doing.”
Santana crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know about you two but…I’m feeling so adventurous today so I’m gonna go see what’s inside and who knows? We might come face to face with a serial killer.” She said as she turned to Rachel.
“Me too. I’m going with Santana.” Quinn said as she started catching up with the Latina.
Rachel contemplated for a moment. She doesn’t know if she should come or not. What if this really was a set up and that something bad might happen to them. But what if it isn’t? What if something magical would happen inside? What if the whole Glee kids are inside and they’d have an unexpected reunion? She just really wishes Finn were there to help her decide. But unfortunately, he’s in the army.
Convincing herself to be optimistic, she ran to catch up with Santana and Quinn.
~ ~ ~
The auditorium was still the same since they left the halls of McKinley High. Nothing major has changed. When Santana, Quinn and Rachel walked in, everything was dark except for the glow of the neon yellow arrows stuck on the carpeted floors.
“We should follow it.” Santana said.
“Well, duh.” Quinn replied.
Santana, Quinn and Rachel followed the arrows leading them further inside the auditorium. When the arrows ended, the three ladies stopped.
“What now?” Santana asked.
“Can Santana, Quinn and Rachel please take a seat.” A voice announced.
“Aaaaahhhh!!!” Rachel screamed.
“Who was that?” Quinn asked, starting to panic.
“Okay. I’m starting to agree with Rachel. Maybe this really is a set up, Q. What if that guy who just spoke is a serial killer?” Santana said.
“We’re not.” The voice said once again.
“Okay, who are you? Why did you take us here?” Santana screamed as she looked around trying to see if she can somehow spot the guy.
“Please just take a seat and you’ll understand.” The voice replied. “Please, just…please.”
Santana shrugged as she led the two other ladies down the row. “Does that voice sounds kind of familiar to you guys?” she asked.
“Yeah. It does. I think he’s trying to cover up his real voice but he slips a couple of times.” Rachel replied.
“You know what? Let’s just take a seat.” Quinn suggested as she pushed the two ladies to the nearest row of chairs.
As soon as the three of them sat down, the curtains rose and there were three microphone stands standing in the middle of the stage.
“I’m going to call Sebas—“
Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Sebastian suddenly came emerging from the side stage wearing a white suit and a microphone in hand.
“You know what? Never mind.” Santana whispered to Rachel and Quinn.
~ ~ ~
Sebastian finished his part and waited for the next guy to sing…but he never came. He glanced at the anxiously waiting ladies at the audience and then glanced to his left.
“Where is he?” he mouthed.
Jeff, his friend from the Warblers that he brought with him to the auditorium shrugged in response.
“He has to be here!” Sebastian mouthed once again in rage, stomping his left foot and rubbed his face. He then turned to the ladies and smirked like nothing out of the plan is happening.
~ ~ ~
Quinn, Santana and Rachel looked at one another in confusion.
“What’s happening?” Quinn asked.
Suddenly, as Rachel glanced up at the stage, Finn was there standing in front of her wearing his army uniform.
“Finn!” Rachel shot up from her seat but Sebastian signaled Santana and Quinn to hold her back.
“Rachel, please sit down. I got something important to tell you.” Finn said.
Rachel nodded as a signal for Finn to go on.
Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful

Now that the wait is over
And love has finally shown her my way

Marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Suddenly, a tall blonde wearing a white suit similar to Sebastian came walking to the middle of the stage. (Finn was supposed to wear the same thing but he was late that’s why he wasn’t able to change into the suit.)
Quinn gasped as her hands found her way to her mouth. She felt tears pooling in her eyes. Before this happened, she never thought that a guy like Sam would enter his life.
Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies
Altogether, the three guys sang the last part.
Marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Marry me
“Yay!” Rachel squealed as she ran up the stage and into Finn’s arms. Quinn and Santana followed suit.
Sebastian, Finn, and Sam kneeled in front of their girlfriends as they presented each a beautiful diamond ring.

~ ~~

“Satan Lopez, never in my whole life have I ever thought that I’d be saying these words to you. Will you marry me?” Sebastian asked.

“Of course, Meerkat face. I will.” Santana replied as Sebastian scooped her in his arms.
~ ~ ~
“Will you, Rachel Be—“
“Yes! Yes Finn, I will absolutely marry you!” Rachel interrupted Finn mid-sentence.
~ ~ ~
Sam Evans knelt down on one knee and looked up at Quinn as he presented her a diamond ring. And by only looking at it, Quinn could tell Sam worked hard to buy it for it looks so expensive.
“Sam,” Quinn said. “You know you don’t have to buy this kind of ring. I’m okay with just the cheap ones.”
Sam shook his head. “No, I want it to be special.”
“If you accept, this ring will symbolize my promise to you to be true, to never pressure you to do anything more than kiss, to listen to your problems, to tell you when you have food in your teeth or eye gunk, to come over to your house whenever you need something super heavy to move around. I promise to make you feel proud when you walk down the streets and say, 'That dude’s my husband.' I promise to tell you all of those things without trying to sound like Matthew McConaughey.
“Shhh!! I’m not yet done.” Sam interrupted.
Quinn had to cover her mouth to try to fight off the urge to laugh when Sam accidentally spitted on her hand, since he’s still on his knees.
“See, if you don’t want me to spit on you again, no more interruptions, please.” Sam said seriously, which only made Quinn to burst out more.
“Sam, whatever you’re going to say…don’t say it anymore. You had me at your promise ring speech, in which you changed some words and made it proposal speech worthy.” Quinn said.
“So, Lucy Quinn Fabray, will you do the honor of being Mrs. Evans, my lovely wide and for being the future mother of my kinds and for being the grandmother of my grandchildren and for being the great grandmother of our grandchildren’s children?” Sam asked with a big grin on his face.
“Yes, Samuel Evans, I do.” Quinn answered with a smile.
Without any further ado, Sam slipped the ring onto Quinn’s slender finger and stood up and gave her the softest kiss she ever had.

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