Wednesday, December 26, 2012

#28: Running Around In My Dreams

A Colton Dixon and Jessica Sanchez song-shot

~ ~ ~

“What’s taking her so long? She’s always late!” Elise Testone, one of Jessica Sanchez’s friends complained as she and the rest of her friends stood by the venue’s entrance waiting for Jessica.

“Elise, give her some time. Maybe she’s still dolling herself up. Besides, she’s going to be the Prom Queen anyway.” Hollie Cavanaugh came in defense for Jessica.

“How do you know she’s going to win?” Elise asked.

“I have a feeling.”

While Hollie and Elise were deep in conversation about the Prom, Skylar Laine noticed the sea of people starting to part by the entrance gate like how Moses parted the Red Sea. “Guys, what’s happening right there? Why is everyone parting?” Skylar asked.

The rest of the group turned to look at where Skylar was pointing.

“Well, I think the Queen has arrived.” Hollie said with a smile. Both Colton and DeAndre turned to look as well.

“Let’s go. Let’s meet Jessica by the gate.” Elise said.

The group ran towards the entrance gate, eager to see their friend Jessica in her Prom dress for she kept it a secret from them. Even the girls didn’t have the chance to sneak a peek at the dress.

“Wow.” Colton whispered to himself as soon as his eyes set on Jessica.

“She’s gorgeous.” DeAndre muttered.

“Guys!” Jessica shouted as soon as she saw her group of friends from the massive sea of people.

“Jessica, you look stunning!” Hollie complimented as she gave her friend a hug.

Jessica was sporting a baby blue sleeveless gown. Her hair was up in a bun and she had her bangs clipped up for the night. Skylar, on the other hand, was wearing a white sleeveless gown. Her gown was fitted from her chest down to her knees and the rest of the dress was flowing freely down to her feet. Much like an explosion of white fabric. Hollie was wearing a white gown as well although it is a one-shoulder dress. Her dress also has a short cute tail behind. Elise was sporting a pink off-shoulder dress, with the hem of her dress adorned with diamonds. Every girl had her hair up in a bun.

The guys however are only wearing a black tux with ties that match their date’s dress.

Elise was asked by senior Phillip Phillips to be his date for the night. Joshua Ledet asked Hollie while Skylar and Jessica remained dateless, same as Colton and DeAndre.

“Since we’re both dateless, how about we’d be each other’s date?” Jessica teased Skylar.

“Yeah, why haven’t I thought of that?” Skylar rode along. Skylar playfully offered Jessica her arms and Jessica linked her arms with her friend and together, they walked towards the snack table.

“Skylar, I have something to tell you.” Jessica said.

“Yeah? What is it?” Skylar asked as she took a punch from the table.

“I think I like…Colton.” Jessica blurted out, surprising Skylar. “I have been keeping it for a very long time already and I just can’t—“

“Are you serious?” Skylar asked with a huge grin plastered on her face.

“I said I think, Skylar. I think.”

~ ~ ~

As Jessica and Skylar were busy chatting away by the snack table, Joshua and Colton were secretly watching them from afar.

“Colton let me ask you a question.” After a long silence, Joshua spoke up.

The taller guy swiftly turned around to face his friend. “What?”

“When are you planning on telling Jessica how you truly feel?” Joshua asked.

Colton gave a shrug. “I don’t know.”

“Dude, you got to tell her as soon as possible because someone might be man enough to tell her how he feels just like…” Joshua paused for a second before shaking his head. “Never mind.”

Colton just ignored what Joshua had said and gazed at Jessica once again who was now playfully dancing with Skylar. “Do you think this is the right time?” Colton asked his friend.

Joshua shrugged before giving Colton a smile. “Maybe.” He said.

Before Colton could say another response, Hollie, the President of the Student Body Officers, was seen walking up the stage and coughed into the microphone, catching everyone’s attention.

“Excuse me.” She said.

Hollie waited as everyone gathered up by the stage and when she decided that everyone is ready to listen, she smiled and finally spoke up: “As you can see, a month has already passed ever since the first announcement of the Prom Night. Today is Valentine’s Day that’s why I prepared something for you guys that I’m sure would make your heart smile.” Hollie said as she presented two large jars that contains cutout half-hearts.

“All boys will be getting their half-heart here,” Hollie added after lifting the first jar with a blue ribbon. “While all girls will be getting theirs here.” She finished as she lifted the other jar with the pink ribbon.

“Okay so all boys please go here.” Mark, the Vice President of the Student Body Officers commanded. “While all girls go to Hollie.”

The guys and the girls separated. As Colton was about to reach inside the jar, he saw that Jessica was getting hers too. Colton caught Jessica’s eyes and a huge smile appeared on her face.

“Skinny Mini!” Jessica called with a wave. They met up at the center with Hollie towering over them on the stage.

“What are we supposed to do with this Hollie?” Colton asked the petite blonde.

“Just wait. I’ll say the instructions when everybody’s got their half-hearts.” Hollie replied.

After making sure everybody has their half-hearts and all are settled down, Hollie made her way to the center of the stage once again.

“Excuse me. I bet you are all wondering what you’re going to do with those half-hearts. Well, it’s just simple as ABC. You have to find your perfect match, the one that will complete your heart. Once you found him or her, he or she will be your official date for tonight.” Hollie explained.

“Questions?” Mark asked.

Phillip raised his hand.

“Mr. Phillips, what is your question?” Mark questioned.

“What about the girls we asked to be our date?”

“That was just your temporary dates because the one that’ll complete your heart will be your official date. So sorry girls.” Mark answered.

Phillip nodded in response as he glanced over at Elise and gave her an apologetic look.

“Any more questions?” Hollie asked. No one raised his or her hands. “None? Good! Start finding your match!”

“Have a great night everybody!” Mark shouted into the microphone as Hollie was trying to get him off the stage.

The venue grew noisier as everyone attempted to find his or her perfect match. Colton and Jessica caught each other’s eyes and as they were slowly walking towards each other to see if they match, a guy came up to Jessica blocking her view of Colton.

“Hi Jessica, are you my perfect match?” the guy asked. Jessica smiled as she held up her half-heart and the guy raised his too.

“Sorry, but I’m not your perfect match.” Jessica said as she saw that their hearts didn’t match at all.

“Too bad. Well, I’ll see you around, Jessica.” The guy said before walking away. “By the way, you’re the prettiest tonight.” The guy added with a wink.

“Thanks. Good luck finding your match!” Jessica called out.

“You too.” The guy said in reply.

Jessica turned around once again hoping to see Colton standing at where she last saw him, waiting for her to see if they matched. Her smile slowly turned into a frown as she saw Colton talking to another girl.

“Jessica, are you my perfect match?”

The raven-haired girl turned around in surprise but she smiled when she saw it was only DeAndre. “Ohmygosh!” Jessica said as she embraced DeAndre.

While Jessica and DeAndre were engaged in a hug, Colton happened to glanced toward their direction and frowned. He thought Jessica had found her match.

“Whoa, Jess!” DeAndre said as Jessica was still hugging him.

Jessica peeled away from the hug and blushed tomato red. “Sorry. It’s just that you scared me so much and I just had to hug someone. And I miss you, actually.” Jessica admitted.

DeAndre scoffed although he himself felt like blushing. “It’s not like we’re not seeing each other everyday.” He teased to make it less awkward between them.

“It’s not like that. I just miss those times when we were always…alone. You know those times when Skylar and the rest would always leave us and—“

“I know what you mean.” DeAndre cut her off.  “Well, if some alone time is what you want, come with me.” He added. He took Jessica’s hand in his and guided her gently amongst the crowd.

“Where are we going?” Jessica asked.

“You’ll see.”

~ ~ ~

“Colton, are you my perfect match?” a random girl asked.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Colton replied.

They placed their half-hearts side by side and it didn’t match.

“I guess not. Thanks anyway.” The girl said before walking away.

Colton searched for DeAndre and Jessica in the crowd and a sad expression came washing over him as he finally spotted them making their way through those people. He let out a sigh. “He’s really Jessica’s perfect match.”


“AAAHHHHH!!!” Colton screeched in surprise, causing for him to accidentally drop his half-heart. Hollie secretly signaled Joshua who was standing behind Colton to pick up the guy’s heart and switch it with something new. Joshua quickly did what he was told and he briskly pocketed Colton’s old half-heart and handed him the new one.

“Dude, I think you dropped this.” Joshua said as he handed him the half-heart.

“Luckily, you’re the one who found it.” Colton answered.

Joshua left afterwards.

“Hollie, why did you do that?” Colton asked.

Hollie shrugged. “Nothing. Just felt the need to give you a boost of energy. You were looking so gloomy a while ago.” She answered.

Colton sighed. “It’s…nothing.”

“Anyway, are you my perfect match?”

The tall guy smiled and they placed their half-hearts side by side and it didn’t match again.

“I guess you’re not.” Hollie said. “See you around, Colton.”

Hollie left even before Colton could say a word.

~ ~ ~

Hollie arrived at their group’s booth. “Is Jessica and DeAndre here?” she asked.

“Nope.” Skylar answered, popping the p.

“Then our plan’s doing pretty well.” Hollie said as she clapped her hands in victory.

“Thank you Hollie for telling us how Jessica feels towards Colton. We all know how long Colton had waited for this moment.” Skylar said.

Joshua then came to the table. “Success.” He said lifting Colton’s original half-heart.

“Good. Now all we need is for DeAndre to switch Jessica’s heart and then boom! It’s Colton and Jessica Night for Prom Night.” Hollie said.

“It’s a good thing DeAndre agreed to do this. We all know how he feels towards her. He’s willing to do this even though we know he’s hurting in the process.” Skylar said.

“Yeah. DeAndre’s a good man. He’s willing to do anything for the sake of Jessica’s happiness.” Elise agreed.

~ ~ ~

“It hurts but I have to…”

“It’s hard to accept the fact but…her heart had decided…”

“Even though it stings, but if she feels like she’s happy with him, I’ll just let her be…”

“This is all for you, Jessica…”

Those are what have been running around DeAndre’s thoughts the whole time he was leading Jessica outside the venue.

“DeAndre, where are we really going?” Jessica asked.

“Here.” DeAndre answered. They sat at the nearest bench near the school’s garden and gazed at the night sky.

“Why did you take me here?” Jessica asked.

“You said you missed us that’s why I took you here so you can have an alone time with me.” DeAndre answered.

“What? I didn’t say I want to have an alone time with you. Wait, that sounded wrong. Let me rephrase that. What I meant to say was—“

“Don’t have to say another word. I know what you mean.”

“You always know what I mean.” Jessica said.

DeAndre just gave her a smile afterwards. Jessica glanced back up at the night sky to watch the stars and DeAndre noticed her placing the heart on the space between them. He took this as the right time to switch it with the heart that’ll match Colton’s. He continued to distract her with his knowledge in astronomy.

“Jessica, I’m going to ask you one more time. Are you my perfect match?” DeAndre asked.

“We’ll see.” Jessica giggled. They checked if they matched even though they didn’t the first time.

“Too bad.” Jessica commented.

DeAndre just managed to smile for he knows it really won’t match because her heart’s match is inside the venue, waiting for her.

“Wait. Someone texted me.” DeAndre said as he fished out his phone from his pocket.

Hollie: Success?
DeAndre: It is a success.

As DeAndre placed his phone back inside his pocket, he glanced towards Jessica and smile. “Want to go back inside? It’s getting a bit colder out here.” He asked.

“Sure. Besides, our friends might be looking for us right now.”

Jessica and DeAndre made their way inside and towards their booth.

“Guys, did you find your perfect match?” Hollie asked.

“No.” everyone answered the same thing.

“Well, I found my perfect match. It’s Joshua.” Hollie said.

“Wow, meant to be!” Jessica teased.

“How about you Jess, have you found your perfect match?” Elise asked.

Jessica shook her head. “I think I’ve already asked every guy and none of them fits my heart. I’ve asked DeAndre but he’s not the perfect fit. I’d even ask Joshua if he still hasn’t found his match.” She responded.

“Have you tried Colton?” Skylar asked.

Jessica’s head snapped towards Colton and caught his eyes. “Yeah, I haven’t tried him yet.”

Colton made his way towards Jessica, almost tripping on one of Elise’s chair’s legs. “Skinny Mini, are you my perfect match?” he asked.

Everyone in their group of friends tilted their head sideways in confusion. They have no idea what Colton had just called Jessica but decided to shrug it away to witness their plan slowly climbing up to succession.

They placed their hearts side by side and once the tip of its paper touched the other, they glanced up at each other in surprise and in disbelief.

“I have found my perfect match.” Colton whispered with a smile.

The girls squealed in delight. Everyone was smiling except for DeAndre. He couldn’t contain all the pain he was feeling just watching Jessica and Colton. He slowly backed away without anyone noticing.

As if on cue, the DJ changed up the genre of the song, from pop songs to slow love songs. The couples paired up and made their way to the dance floor to dance. Hollie and Joshua joined the other couple that’s why Colton asked Jessica to dance as well.

“So Skinny Mini, can I have this dance?” Colton asked.

“Of course. Besides, you’re my perfect match.” Jessica answered as she gladly accepted Colton’s hand.

It was one of those moments
When everything changes
She was climbing out of a Chevrolet
On the passenger's side

“The first time I saw her, she climbed out of her car and waved at everybody she knew. She just stood there and smiled…”

I must have been staring
'Cause when I caught her eye
It seems like I had been looking at her 
For all of my life

“I admit, the first time I saw Colton, I couldn’t help but to stare at him. I immediately felt something between us…”

So why don't you come and go with me?
Somehow I know I've waited my whole life to see
You standing there with the wind in your hair

“I must confess I’ve already loved Jessica from the start. I just kept myself from falling in love with her through Skylar. I tried to like Skylar like the way I like Jessica so that I can avoid all those feelings that I have for Jessica…”

I'm as sure as a boy could be
You are the girl that's been running around in my dreams

“Sometimes I dream about Colton. One time, we were in a wedding and he was the groom and I was the bride. The day I had that dream, I was smiling for a week…”

Once in a lifetime
Does not happen again
So I took a chance in a gambler's game
Put my heart on the line

“But then I realized that no matter how hard I try to avoid Jessica, even though how hard I try to develop feelings for Skylar…it was always Jessica. It was always her. But she loved DeAndre so I let her be…”

Maybe I'm crazy but I'll never regret
What I said to a girl I knew
Before we even met

“I know I made a pinky promise to my friends that I wouldn’t fall in love with Colton, considering the fact that we were always in each other’s faces annoying each other to wits end. But you know what they say; those two people that always annoy each other always end up falling in love with each other. That’s what happened. I fell for Colton and there’s nothing that I could do about it…”

And I say why don't you come and go with me?
Somehow I know I've waited my whole life to see
You standing there with the wind in your hair

“Everything was fake, everything was a lie. I once told Joshua that I was falling for Jessica; it was all just an act. An act to cover up the fact that I have loved Jessica the first time I laid my eyes on her…”

I'm as sure as a boy could be
You are the girl that's been running around in my dreams

“Maybe with all those little things he’d done for me, that’s when I realized I am falling for this boy. Those times when DeAndre wasn’t around, Colton was there. He never fails to make me happy… but the things is, he likes someone else…”

Hey, I've finally found you
I've been dreaming about you
You are the girl that's been running around in my dreams

“I’m as sure as a boy could be…Jessica, you are the one. I can feel it. You are the girl of my dreams. If only you don’t feel anything for someone…”

“I love you Colton…”

“I love you Jessica…”

They finished dancing but they still couldn’t keep their eyes off of each other.

“Skinny Mini, I think this is the right time to say this…” Colton said.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

“Jessica Elizabeth Bugay Sanchez, I have been—“

“Colton, my man!” Phillip Phillips suddenly came out of nowhere, wrapping an arm around Colton’s shoulder.

“Hey, man.” Colton replied.

Phillip noticed the girl Colton was with and he smiled.

“Sanchez, you look gorgeous.” Phillip said.

“Thanks.” Jessica blushed for she always had a tiny crush on Phillip.

“So Phillip, we still got something to talk about.”

“Sure, see you around Colton, Sanchez.” Phillip nodded at Jessica.

“Sure.” Colton replied.

Colton faced Jessica once again. “So, where were we?” he asked.
“You have been what? Continue.” Jessica said.

Colton let out a shaky breath. “Jessica Elizabeth ‘Skinny Mini Buddy’ Bugay Sanchez.” He started.

Jessica laughed. “Colton, isn’t my name long enough for you?” she asked.

“Anyways, Jessica or Skinny Mini…I tried to stay away from you and tried to develop feelings for Skylar because…” Colton paused. Jessica didn’t say a word so he went on. “Because I don’t want to fall for you. The first time I saw you, I fell in love. Jessica, I am truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you ever since the day we met.”

A tear rolled down Jessica’s cheek. She didn’t expect Colton’s confession. “Colton…”


“Colton, you have no idea how happy I am today. I mean, who wouldn’t be happy when you found out that the person you love…loves you back.” Jessica answered.

Colton grinned. “What do you mean?”

“Colton, ever since the days when DeAndre wasn’t around and you were there for me…I couldn’t help but to fall in love. Yes, you heard it right. I am in love with you too.”

“So what does this mean?” Colton asked.

Jessica smiled and leaned in to plant a kiss on Colton’s lips. When they pulled away, she spoke: “You’re my boyfriend…”

“You’re my girlfriend…” Colton finished. “Oh, that sounds so right.”

Jessica laughed. When they were about to lean in for another kiss once again, Colton noticed Hollie on the stage.

“Time to announce the Prom King and Queen!”

After introducing the candidates once again, Mark came to the stage and handed Hollie an envelope that contains the voting result.

“2012 Lancelot High’s Prom King is…” Hollie produced a paper and read the winner. “Phillip Phillips!”

A few people came out from the stage wings to adorn Phillip with his stash, a crown, a robe and his scepter. Hollie smiled at Colton as she opened another envelope that contains the name of the Prom Queen.

“And our Prom Queen is…” Hollie read the paper and grinned from ear to ear. “Jessica Sanchez!”

Colton cheered loud and proud for his girlfriend. She was smiling so big that Colton couldn’t help but to smile as well.

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