Wednesday, December 26, 2012

She's Not Afraid : Chapter 1

"She's Not Afraid"

A Niall Horan Love Story

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Chapter 1

Alana fiddled with the old tattered bracelet that has never left her wrist for the past year ever since Megan gave it back to her and made her promise to never have feelings for Niall again.

Truth be told, it was hard. It was hard forgetting the feelings she had for someone she loved for a very long time. It was hard not to look at that certain part of her wall where Niall's poster had been. The poster was replaced by dozens of pictures of Alana and her friends. It was hard dreaming about him and when she wakes up, she knows she's not supposed to be feeling that way. But most of all, it was hard to pretend that she doesn't love the person anymore when she knows deep inside of her, her feelings are still there; buried somewhere in the deepest part of her heart and mind.

Alana was just quietly sitting on her chair in her choir class as she waits for the rest of her classmates to arrive.

"Hey Alana, cheer up. It's Friday!" Mikayla said as she, Celine and Denise sat at the empty chairs beside her. She was squished in between Denise and Celine.

The four of them all have the same passion for music and singing that's why they're in choir class together.

Alana smiled at Mikayla before turning her attention back to the bracelet. "I'm sorry. I'm know, tired." she answered glumly.

I am so not in the mood today, Alana thought.

"Is it because of Megan? Or Niall?" Denise asked.

Alana didn't answer.

Mikayla sighed. "Not to sound like a bad friend or anything's been a year, Alana. You should be over it by now." she said.

"I know. It's just hard, you know. Maybe you guys don't understand what I'm feeling because you haven't been in this kind of situation before." Alana answered.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I should have been more understanding." Mikayla said as she gave Alana a hug.

Silence blanketed over the four of them as the room started to fill up quickly. Alana was still fumbling with the bracelet and she couldn't help but smile as she noticed Niall's name was still very visible in the fabric of the bracelet.

"What is she doing?" Alana heard Celine asking Mikayla.

Alana looked up and saw that they were talking about their choir teacher. You see Ms. Marten is just that type of teacher whom you can pour all your emotions out or find solace in and in return, she will give you a very helpful advice. She's sarcastic at most times but she can be sarcastic today and then serious the next. She's someone you can relate to because she is not that old yet. She's probably in her mid-twenties or late twenties.

It once crossed Alana's mind to ask for some advice from her but she thought maybe she’d think of her problem as silly. Like she shouldn't worry about it too much.

So she decided not to instead.

"She's setting up her laptop and the projector. She said we’d just be watching a movie the whole period because she still needs more time to correct our tests which I can tell that I totally bombed." Alana answered.

Denise groaned. "Tell. Me. All. About. It."

Alana snickered at her.

Ms. Marten finally finished setting up and she made her way towards the center and leaned in on the baby grand piano they have in the room. She was grinning sheepishly at the class like she was trying hard to keep herself from bursting out whatever it was she's keeping from them.

"Why are you smiling like that, Ms. Marten?" Sarah, one of Alana's choir classmates asked.

She shook her head. "I can't say,” she answered. "But for now, enjoy the movie."

Once she hit play, Ms. Marten made her way inside her office and closed the door behind her. Some of Alana's classmates moved the baby grand piano aside and lay on the floor.

Alana just remained seated with her friends and just watched the very 1960s movie. It was entertaining though.

Halfway through the movie, Alana heard the choir room's door opening and the first thing she saw was a massive brown curly hair.

Then came the screams.

Ms. Marten came bursting out of her office, trepidation written all over her face. She was looking around to see if someone got hurt or anything but when she saw the five boys standing by the front door, her worried expression turned into a teasing look.

"I knew it." Ms. Marten said, snapping her fingers.

"So you knew all along? This was the reason why you have that goofy smile on your face a while ago?" Kelly asked.

Ms. Marten nodded. "I was informed this morning that they were coming because since they're staying in America for at least five months, your student body officers managed to get them to perform and attend our Homecoming Dance." She explained. "And since they're attending, they might as well choose their dates."

"And we were told that the women's choir is the best place to choose from!" Harry Styles added.

Alana buried her head on her hands but leaving a small open space so she can secretly stare at a certain blonde boy.

"Are you okay?" Celine whispered.

"I don't know. I don't know what to feel right now." Alana answered.

"You're going to be fine. I promise." Celine reassured.

As Alana finally calmed her nerves down, she looked up at the boys and tried her best not to look at Niall so she focused her attention to the adorable Louis Tomlinson.

Niall must've glanced their way as he had this huge grin on his face when he recognized Denise.

"Denise!" he called.

Denise gave him a wave and a smile. "I still have your bracelet. I keep it in a safe box in my room. Untouched for a year." She lied.

Alana knew Denise wasn't the lying type of person but she lied anyway for the sake of helping her friend.

"Let's waste no more time." Ms. Marten said and then she glanced at the boys. "The floor's all yours."

Ms. Marten sat at her stool just outside her office and watched as the guys of One Direction choose their Homecoming dates.

"Are we going to do this one by one?" Louis asked Harry.

Harry nodded. "I'll go first,” he said.

The remaining four guys nodded and Harry stepped forward as he scanned the room for any possible Homecoming date. Alana noticed that Harry's eyes stopped on her for a moment. It looked like he was about to point at her if it wasn't for Niall walking up to him and whispered something that made Harry look away from Alana and scanned the room once again.

Finally, Harry ended up choosing Alana's friend Mikayla. He marched towards her and smiled before taking her hand in his and led her to the center of the room.

Denise, Celine and Alana squealed and cheered for their friend and Mikayla, for the first time blushed crimson red.

As soon as she and Harry were in front, Louis came in next.

It looked like Louis had already chosen a girl for he immediately went straight to Sarah. He took her hand and led her back to the front and stood beside Harry and Mikayla.

The moment Alana had been dreading for had arrived. It's Niall's turn to choose a girl.

Truth be told, Alana had never ever been so grateful for the fact that Megan doesn't sing. Because if she does and she's in this class and for any chance Niall chose Alana, oh-no, she'd be a dead meat.

She shook her head to shoo the thoughts away and tried to focus at what's happening at the moment. Niall was looking around the room and his face clearly shows that he's having a hard time choosing.
Niall took a step back and smiled at Ms. Marten. "I need more time. There's a lot to choose from,” he told her which made the rest of the guys to snicker, for all they know Niall already has one in mind.

Ms. Marten smiled. "It's okay,” she answered.

Niall nudged Zayn to tell him that it was his turn. As Zayn stepped out to choose his Homecoming date, Alana couldn't help but to feel like a pair of piercing blue eyes are burning onto her. She made a sideways glance at Niall and she was right. She wasn't assuming because he really is staring at her.

Because of Niall looking at her like that, Alana wasn't able to pay attention to whom Zayn chose but Alana was pretty sure he was walking over to her.

A couple more steps and Zayn will soon be standing in front of her. Alana glanced at Niall and she saw him starting to get a little fidgety from where he stand as Zayn is slowly moving closer.

Turned out, Alana wasn't the chosen one. Zayn picked this girl named Emily who was seated behind her.

Alana let out all the breath that she didn't know she was holding, in time with Niall muttering a silent yes that earned a pat in the back from Liam.

Zayn and Emily now stood in front.

Liam was next and for the third time, he was walking towards Alana again. 

Come on! There are like seventy more girls in here. I'm not the only girl in this room, Alana thought to herself.

Niall started looking so nervous once again and this time instead of being fidgety he stiffened. And Alana was positively sure his fingers were crossed.

Alana wasn't the chosen girl again. Liam chose Denise and Alana and the rest of her remaining friends cheered for her.

When Liam and Denise were already in front, Alana heard Liam saying Niall's name and gave him a friendly wink and a smile.

Niall muttered a thank you and a nod at Liam before walking in the center. The rest of One Direction started teasing him for Niall is always the one who has a hard time choosing girls.

Alana watched cautiously as Niall looked around the room, copying the actions of the boys a while ago. Suddenly, her phone vibrated and it fell out of her not so low jeans pocket.

She groaned as she bent down to pick it up.

"Alana, look. Quick!" Celine whispered to her.

Alana's head snapped up and she saw Niall walking towards her.

One more time, I'm not the only girl in here! Alana thought.

To keep herself from assuming that Niall Horan will choose her as his Homecoming date, Alana tried to convince herself that he's going after those prettier ones who were seated behind her. She was thinking maybe he was going to choose Isabel or Kaitlin or anyone, anyone that's prettier than her.

But boy was she wrong, because soon enough Niall James Horan is standing in front of her. Hovering over her like a tower.

"I choose you." Niall said in his Irish accent that Alana still secretly loves.

"M-me?" Alana asked.

"Yes." Niall answered. "Actually, you were Harry and Liam's first choice know. They found out you're one of my choices so..."

Alana tried to hide her blush but she failed miserably.

Niall offered his hand to her and she was a bit hesitant at first. Still she was grateful that Megan isn't in this class.

Alana felt like she had no choice but to take his hand and allow him to lead her to the center.

There were two things she was aware of at that moment: (1) Niall Horan smells incredibly good and she couldn't help but fall for him more and (2) the fact that their hands fit well together like it was made just for them. Like two perfect puzzle pieces.


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