Friday, January 4, 2013

She's Not Afraid: Chapter 2

"She's Not Afraid"

A Niall Horan Love Story


Chapter 2


It was raining too hard and she can’t see anything. To make it all worse, she couldn’t find a shelter to wait for her driver to arrive. Alana just finished her volleyball training at a resort. It was sunny a while ago but then the sky decided to tear up. She told her driver to just pick her up a couple blocks away from the resort and with her situation right now, Alana regretted saying that. She was shaking from the cold air the rain brought. She knew she could just walk back to the resort but she promised her driver to meet her right there.

Alana remembered she had a jacket in her bag but groaned when she realized it was wet as well. Looking around, she searched for a shelter. But there was none. She sat on the curb, hugging herself as she waited for slow as a turtle driver.

In the corner of her eye, Alana made out a tall figure of a guy with an umbrella. He was wearing a green hooded jacket and his left hand was inside his pocket. She turned her head so she was fully facing the direction of the guy but through the hard rain, she couldn’t make out who it was. Thinking it was that guy that she hates from the boys’ volleyball team they had training with; Alana shrugged it off and didn’t even bother asking to share his umbrella with her.

Fifteen minutes had passed and her driver is still not in sight. Alana was about to stand up and just head back to the resort (which she should’ve done earlier), she noticed that it wasn’t raining anymore. Her eyebrows met and her head tilted to the side as she caught sight of the ground and saw that it was still raining. So why is it that it stopped raining…on her?

“Why didn’t you find any shelter? You’ll get sick waiting out here in the rain.” It was a guy’s voice, but totally not the guy from her volleyball team. It couldn’t also be her driver because his voice was at least three decibels higher compared to her driver’s.

With her eyes closed, Alana stood up and faced the guy. “Because I told my driver to meet me here. I don’t want to move because he might get worried that I’m not in the meeting place and—“ Alana paused mid-sentence. She opened her eyes and she gasped as soon as she realized who the guy was.

“N-Niall?” she asked.

Niall gave her a warm smile. “Why? Are there any more Niall Horan in this world?” he said and he gave her a wink.

“W-what are you d-doing h-here?” Alana mentally slapped herself for stammering although she fully blamed her stammering to her continuously shaking body.

“I was driving by and I saw this beautiful princess sitting on the curb, soaking wet. They shouldn’t let a beautiful princess like the one I’m seeing right now get wet in the rain.” Niall answered.

Alana felt her heart beating out of her chest, like it’s trying to escape. She wants to squeal in delight because of the words Niall had said to her and the fact that he called her beautiful. The highest remark a guy could give to a girl.

But she kept cool. “Oh, is that it?” Alana asked as she raised her right arm to scratch the back of her wet neck.

Niall didn’t say anything after that. They just stared at each other’s eyes, getting lost in its colors. They didn’t know how long they were staring at each other but Alana noticed that Niall was slowly inching his face closer to hers. She saw him closed his eyes and she closed hers to. She knew what was coming next. Their lips were a mere inch closer and then…


Alana was taken out of her dreamland once she felt someone shaking her shoulders. She slowly opened her eyes, lifted her head from her crossed arms on her desk and blinked a few times to clear her vision.

“What’s happening?” she half-consciously asked.

“You slept through Chemistry.” Denise answered.

Alana jumped from her seat, looking around only to see that no one was inside the room anymore. Everyone is already eating lunch, even the teacher. She quickly gathered her things and jammed everything inside her bag.

“Let’s go.” She muttered once she had fixed herself up and ready to face the world again.

“We should. I’m starving.” Mikayla groaned, rubbing her stomach.


Once the four best friends were already in line to buy their lunch, Celine noticed Alana being a bit spacey lately. She waved her hand in front of Alana’s face to bring her back to reality.

“Hello, earth to Alana.” Celine said.

Alana snapped back to reality. “Huh? Oh yeah, we’re in line.” She blabbered.

Denise’s eyebrows met. She raised her right hand to feel Alana’s forehead. “You’re not sick. Alana, what’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

Mikayla and Celine stepped aside to let the “best friend” have a talk with Alana.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Alana replied glumly.

“You’re not fine. Come on Alana, tell us.” Denise persuaded.

Alana sighed. She eyed every one of her best friends before opening her mouth to speak. As she was about to blurt out everything, it was their turn to punch in their numbers. Alana was the last one to do so and when she was done, she followed her friends toward their usual table in the cafeteria.

When they were finally seated, Celine snapped her finger and said, “Spill.”

And so, Alana did.

“Okay so I slept through the whole Chemistry period and I was kind of bummed when you guys woke me up because…because…because I’m dreaming about Niall.” Alana blurted out and she bit her bottom lip when she was done.

Mikayla, Celine and Denise stared at her incredulously before letting out a guffaw that almost caught everyone’s attention in the cafeteria. Alana looked around in embarrassment. She attempted to cover all her friends’ mouth to shut them up because they were too loud.

“Shh! You guys are too loud! It’s getting embarrassing.” Alana half-yelled.

The three girls’ laughter finally died down and they leaned in closer to Alana. “So, what was happening in the dream?” Mikayla asked with an eyebrow raised.

“We were about to—“

“Well hello there my ex-best friends.” Megan greeted, a bitch smile plastered on her face.

“What do you want now?” Alana asked.

“According to a source of mine, I found out One Direction will be performing and attending our Homecoming Dance in two weeks.” Megan said. “And they will be choosing their own dates.”

Mikayla and Denise snickered at her. They wanted to laugh and rub it off to Megan’s face that they are the dates of One Direction.

“I think I’ve told every guy that I won’t be accepting Homecoming invitations because I’m reserving myself for someone else.” Megan said, standing taller from where she stands.

“I guess you have to take that back Megan because according to my own source, One Direction had already personally chosen their dates. Just this morning, actually.” Alana said.

Megan’s smile dropped. “What?” she snapped.

“You heard me right Megan. They already have their dates. Too bad.” Alana pouted to further annoy Megan.

Megan looked like she was about to burst out in anger but she quickly hid her true emotions by smiling and lifting her chin up a tad bit higher than the normal. “Well, I guess I’ll see them at the dance then.”

With that, she was gone.

The four friends burst out laughing only to be cut off by Megan coming back to their table. “Your promise will still apply to the dance though, Alana. Whether you’re attending or not, stay away from Niall.” She said.

“Well she can’t because unfortunately for you, she’s Nia—“

Alana cut off Denise. She signaled her that she was giving away too much information and Denise sunk down on her chair and played with her salty fries on her tray.

“Neil. I am going to the dance with Neil. So you don’t have to worry about me going near Niall because like I promised, I don’t have feelings for him anymore.” Alana forced a smile on her face to further emphasize what she was saying.
“Neil?” Megan asked. Her nose scrunched up in disgust. “Ew. Out of all the guys to ask, you chose that geek nerd who spends his time in the library? The one whose nose are probably stuck on the book by reading too close to it?”

Alana froze. Oh my gosh. I didn’t know Neil existed. And he happened to be that nerd Megan and I used to make fun of when we were still friends? Oh goodness, she thought.

But she flashed a smile instead. “Yep. That’s the Neil I was talking about.”

Megan snorted. “Ew. You’re taste is disgusting. It’s making me sick.” She said before finally sashaying away from Alana’s – and Megan’s used to be – table.

“Thank god the witch is gone.” Celine rolled her eyes as she unwrapped her cheeseburger.

“If she only knew that you are Niall’s date.” Mikayla said.

“She’d be soooo jealous right now.” Denise added.

“Yeah she’d be.” Alana said. I’m so screwed, she thought.

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