Tuesday, July 24, 2012

#3: As Long As You're There

A Chord Overstreet and Dianna Agron song-shot

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I’ve been thinking about this ‘risk I’m planning to do ever since I confirmed my feelings toward Chord. I know that Chord’s with Emma Roberts now but who knows, maybe Chord feels the same and he’s just trying to cover it up by having a relationship with Emma.

Well, at least that’s what I’m assuming.

I’ve spoken privately with Lea Michele for the past few weeks telling her about my plan to finally confess to Chord. It was only Lea who knows about my secret feelings for Chord. Lea had suggested a few strategies though only one stood out amongst the rest. And that ‘one’ needs a mountain of courage for it to be able to work.
And weeks after gathering all the courage I could muster, I am finally here outside Chord’s condo, rehearsing the speech I wrote in my mind. I raise my knuckle to knock on the door but decided to do it a while later.
I try breathing normally and when I did, I fearlessly knock. I know that once that wooden oak door opens, there is no turning back now.
Chord opens the door and out of the blue, I suddenly lack words like my entire vocabulary were wiped out of my system. And that’s when I heard my name slip out of his unbelievably yet attractive big lips in a questioning manner.
“Dianna?” Chord asks. “Do you want to come in?”

“Uh…yeah sure. I think I need to talk to you.” I answer.
Chord opens the door wider and I smile as he steps aside and allow me in. I clasp my hands together and took deep breaths trying to calm myself again.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” Chord asks. “Because I’ve got a date with Emma in an hour.”
“Oh,” I say, pretending to sound like myself and not this nervous-because-I’m-finally-telling-the-guy-that-I’ve-been-in-love-with-that-I-like-him side of me. “Well, maybe I should just go back some other time. This could wait anyway.” I start heading for the door.
Three steps after, I feel a warm calloused hand grab me by the arm, stopping me from walking out the door. “No, we have to talk about this now. I know that what you’re going to say can’t wait. Di, let it all out. What’s bothering you?” he says.
“Huh? What—“
“I know you’re bothered. From the moment I saw your face when you were standing outside my condo, I knew something’s up.” He interrupts.
I nod as I close my eyes. “Listen, if you want this to be over soon so that you won’t be late on your date with Emma, let me talk until I finish. I want you to be only talking when I ask you to.” I say.
He nods as he keeps his eyes narrowed on mine.
All my life…I’ve waited for the right moment to let you know, that I’ve been having these feelings and Lea’s been helping me through it all until I finally realize what it was.”
I honestly don’t know why, when and how it started. Maybe it’s because Chord is such a sweetheart and a gentleman in his own kind of way that I just can’t explain. Maybe it started when our characters on Glee are falling in love and we have a few make-out scenes, and most probably during the Glee tour when he would always kiss me, hug me, sing to me, dance with me and I could go on and on. Or maybe it all started when I heard the news that Chord got back with Emma again three months after the break-up. Maybe that’s the time I finally realized that I am falling in love.
“She kept on telling me to do it now because I might not have the opportunity like this anymore. And do you know what I keep on saying? I’ll wait for the right time.” I say. “But now I realized, there’s just no ‘perfect time’ to confess how I feel. This much I know is real.
We were on Lea’s trailer, thankfully done with our taping for that day, and she was applying make-up while I sat on her comfy couch watching her do her thing.
“Di, you should do it now.” She suddenly said as she was applying her mascara.
“What?” I asked.
“You should confess to Chord now. It’s the perfect opportunity.” She answered.
“And how is that?”
“Because he’s standing outside and he’s on the phone and I’ve got a feeling he’s talking to Emma and he’s really maaad.” She said the last part in a singsong voice.
I looked over my shoulder and glanced out the window. Sure enough, there was Chord standing outside Lea’s trailer, practically shouting at his caller. I gazed back at Lea and sighed. “Fine. I’ll do it.” I stood up and headed for the door, barely hearing Lea’s faint ‘good luck.’
As soon as I got out, perfect timing. Chord just hung up on his caller and when he saw me coming out of Lea’s trailer, he smiled. “Hey, not to be nosy or anything but you seemed pretty mad. Who was it?” I asked, hoping for the best that it was Emma he was talking to.
“Oh, it was just my brother doing something terrible and he almost got into jail because of it.” He answered.
“Really? Well, he was lucky enough that he didn’t get into jail.” I said, forgetting about the confession I was going to make.
Suddenly, his phone rang. This time, it was from Emma and a big smile appeared on Chord’s face. I said my goodbye to him and headed back inside Lea’s trailer, feeling defeated as ever.
So I’ll refuse to waste one more second without you knowing my heart…” I say. “So listen…”
I have to say it now because I just couldn’t live another second of my life trying to keep these feelings from the man I truly love; the man I wanted to share my whole life with; the man I wanted to marry and spend forever with.
Baby, ‘cause I don’t need anything else but your love. Nothing but you means a thing to me. I’m incomplete when you’re not there, holding me, touching me, I swear. All of the rest could just disappear. And I wouldn’t even care, as long as you’re there.
There I said it. Finally. That’s the speech I’ve been reciting in my mind for weeks. I feel like a heavy weight I’m carrying on my shoulders for weeks has been lifted and I can breathe again. I gaze at Chord to try to see how he’s reacting to all of this sappy crap I’ve been saying for minutes now. But there he is, standing in front of me dumbfounded, lifeless like his spirit isn’t with his body anymore.
Take these words, don’t let them go unheard. This is me reaching out, I hope you can hear me now.
I don’t know why I said it but with him staring blankly at me looking out of life, I’m really hoping that his brain are getting all these words I’m saying and that it’s not going to waste.
’Cause baby my heart said stay. Take it, it’s yours to break. I’d rather try and lose, than keep this love from you.
Before this confession, Chord has no idea that he already has my heart, my whole beating heart. But the only problem is, his heart isn’t mine. It belongs to someone else. Emma. And there’s nothing that I could do about it. This heart is breaking though I don’t care. I’d rather try to confess my love and look like a fool and lose by Chord saying that he loves Emma and not me, than keep these feelings in a covert and not be found forever.
Each day and night that I’ve kept this a secret, it killed me; it’s time to share what I feel inside.” I say. “I know that I already told you what I really feel though words just isn’t enough. So, here’s how I really feel about you, Chord.”
And so I showed him. I stood on my tiptoes since I’m wearing ballet flats and leaned in. I saw Chord starts to close his eyes and I did too. As my lips pressed softly against him, I couldn’t be happier. I miss his lips. I miss kissing him, considering the fact that there are no more Sam and Quinn on Glee because Sam is paired up with Amber Riley’s character, Mercedes Jones.
But then I notice that he wasn’t kissing back. Just when I thought I had finally won, he proves me that I didn’t. A tear rolls down my cheek as I pull away. I look down in embarrassment. I, Dianna Elise Agron, had made a fool out of myself by coming to Chord’s condo and confessing my love to a man who already has a girlfriend, for goodness sake!
And then the unbelievable happened.
Chord wiped my tears away that I didn’t know were continuously pouring. He lifts my chin with his finger and captures my lips with his. After he broke the kiss, he leans in to whisper in my ear.
“What took you so long, Di?” he says. “I have already been waiting forever.”

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