Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#26: I Want You

A Jason Grace and Piper McLean song-shot

~ ~ ~

Annabeth and I were standing at our usual spot after we’re done eating our lunch. See, we have this certain spot in the school’s commons where my best friend and I usually stand as we wait for the bell to ring. Wait. Hold on. Let me rephrase that. It is where I usually stand as I wait for the bell to ring. Annabeth? Well, she stands in that spot just to gaze dreamily at her long-time crush, Percy Jackson, who happens to be friends with Jason Grace.

“I need to get a drink.” Annabeth said then I nodded.

We walked towards the nearest drinking fountain and Annabeth’s eyes still never left poor Percy. While Annabeth was drinking, I was just standing there and when she was done, we walked a little more. At least we didn’t go back to our spot. Good for me.

We were now standing by the cafeteria’s huge rectangular window. As usual, I am looking around for Jason. Secretly. I don’t want anybody knowing that I, Piper McLean, have a crush on a guy. The last time I had a crush on someone was during sixth grade and that’s it.

I saw Jason by the drinking fountain Annabeth and I were a while ago. Seconds after I saw him and had stared at him for a good amount of time, he caught my eye. Which happens a lot so, it’s not new to me. Even though a massive crowd of people surrounds us, I don’t know why but our eyes always meet.

I noticed Jason leaning in and whispered something to Leo, his best friend and Leo looked at me before giving Jason a nod.

That was…odd. Did Jason just whisper something to Leo about me? I know that it’s about me because right after he caught my eye, he went to whisper something to his best friend and then Leo gave him a nod, more like a signal to “go on.”


I turned my attention back to Annabeth, who was now on her daily banter about Percy and how his dork-iness is so cute and such. Being the very best friend she ever had, I pretended that I was listening.

And then a miracle happened! Annabeth stopped. That rarely happens. Like once in a blue moon. I was about to comment something about it but even before I could open my mouth, she pointed behind me.

“What? What is it?” I asked.

“Turn around.” Annabeth said.

I slowly turned around, not eager to know what or who was standing behind me. I closed my eyes and as I was fully turned around, I opened them and there was Jason Grace standing in front of me. I was frozen for a moment before he grabbed my hand and dragged me gently away from Annabeth.

“I need to borrow your friend for a moment.” Jason told Annabeth before he turned to me and we started walking.

“What are—?“

“I need to talk to you.” He interrupted.

People were starting to stare at us now and I don’t like being the center of attention.

“Okay?” my response came out more of a question than an answer.

We walked for a couple more seconds before we stopped at this corner of the school where no students were around. I looked around confusingly before looking up at Jason.

“Uh, what are we doing here? And why did you take me here?” I asked. “Do you even know my name? I believe we haven’t even said a single letter to each other before.”

“I-I…” Jason stammered. “I have to tell you something. And yes, I know your name. You’re Piper.”

I fought the urge to flash a smile. Never in my whole life have I ever thought of Jason knowing my name even though we haven’t talked to each other before. How in the world did he learn my name?

“Okay then…what is it you’re going to tell me?” I asked, pretending to sound calm but on the inside, I am squealing like a girl. Which am so not I, by the way.

He ran his hand through his unruly blonde hair, down his flawless face and scratched the back of his head making his adorable messy hair messier. “Okay, I’m going to be straightforward and to the point.”

I suddenly started feeling nervous. What if what he’s going to say is something bad? I tried to be optimistic but the pessimistic side of me is overpowering the other. “Well, you’re not being straightforward right now.” I said.

“I know. It’s just…” Jason paused. “Aaahhh!! How do you say this?” his large hands (it’s large compared to mine) reached up to rub his face in annoyance.

“Just say it. Whatever it is. Bad or not.” I blurted out, eager to know what he’s going to say.

“I like you a lot and I know that you like me too.” Jason said in one breath before turning to leave and left me alone standing in there, stunned as ever.

What just happened?

~ ~ ~
The next day, during lunch, the same thing happened. I was pulled away from Annabeth again, but this time Leo was the one who did it.

“Hey! Where are you taking me?” I asked.

Leo didn’t respond. He took me to the same spot Jason and I were yesterday. And when we got there, Leo just left. Just like what Jason did.

“Wow. They really are friends.” I mumbled. Really? What’s with people today? Taking them to some place and then taking off just like that?

I turned around I saw Jason standing in front of me with a guitar slumped over his shoulder. I didn’t even know he play the guitar.

“Hi.” He greeted shyly, his cheeks showing a slight tint of pink.

“So…are you going to leave me again like what you did yesterday?” I teased, raising an eyebrow for effect.

He smiled shyly. “I’m so sorry about that. I shouldn’t have…I shouldn’t have left you like…that.” He apologized.

“You’re forgiven.” I said with a smile.

“Anyway, I didn’t get to say what I really wanted to say to you yesterday but…Leo and I worked hard on this song last night and it sums up everything I wanted to say. So listen…” Jason said and then he started strumming the guitar.

I got a little bit excited for this was the first time I’m going to hear Jason sing.

I don't want to wait for tomorrow ‘cause tonight
I keep playing this over in my mind
I should’ve kissed you but I missed
Am I out of time?

Because I never thought that you might leave me behind
And I'm hoping that I get one more try
I should’ve kissed you but I missed
Am I out of time?

I never want to be the one to say
How could I let you slip away?
And I'm never gonna watch you fall apart
I should’ve told you from the start
And I'm late but now I'm running
Please wait for me I'm coming
Never gonna wait another day
I finally found the words to say
I want you
I want you

I want you
‘Cause when you look at me I know you feel it too
And your eyes keep telling me maybe there's room
You should’ve kissed me did you miss
That I wanted you ooh

And I never wanna be the one to say
How could I let you slip away?
And I'm never gonna watch you fall apart
I should’ve told you from the start
And I'm late but now I'm running
Please wait for me I'm coming
Never gonna wait another day
I finally found the words to say
I want you

If you wait if you wait for me I'll finally say
What you mean what you mean to me ooh
Will you wait will you wait for me
Cause I'm on my way I'm on my way

Cause I don't wanna wait for tomorrow
Cause tonight I keep playing this over in my mind
I should’ve kissed you but I missed
Am I out of time?

I never wanna be the one to say
How could I let you slip away?
And I'm never gonna watch you fall apart
I should’ve told you from the start
And I'm late but now I'm running
Please wait for me I'm coming
Never gonna wait another day
I finally found the words to say
I want you

I want you
I want you

Jason finished the song and I felt myself blushing and my ears turning red. “Wow.” It was all that came out of my mouth after the song.

“I know that if a guy likes a girl, he would start teasing her or befriending her just to be close and get to know her, but…maybe there are guys who are dying and are desperate to do that to a girl that they like but are too afraid to do it because they’re thinking that what if the girl doesn’t feel the same way and they’d just end up embarrassing themselves?

“And yes, you may have heard from anyone that I’m kind of a jerk. Okay, maybe I really am a jerk but sometimes I’m not. I have always been carefree and confident around girls but with you, I’m just one of those guys are afraid to say how they feel to a girl. And that’s why I never talked to you before.”

“Why? Why are you so afraid?” I asked.

Jason shrugged. “I’m not quite sure. I don’t know. I can’t figure out myself. It’s maybe because I’ve never seen or met someone like you before. All those other girls made it so easy but with you…I realized for the first time that…telling a girl how they feel could be really tough. It’s difficult.”

“So, are you saying I’m different?” I asked.

Jason nodded. “Yes. You are very different.”

I smiled. I couldn’t believe that something like this is happening to me…at a very unexpected time. But most of all, I couldn’t believe that my secret crush Jason Grace, secretly likes me too.

Well, since it’s honesty time, I might as well just tell him a secret too. “Can I tell you a secret?” I asked.

“Sure. Anything.” Jason smiled. Gosh, kill me more with your smile Jason, will you?
“I’ve liked you for so long from far away, but I never had the chance to tell you…because I’m afraid too.” I confessed.

Jason’s small smile slowly turned into a grin. “Can I kiss you?” he asked. “I know it’s so fast and I might sound pushy but I just couldn’t help myself.”

I was taken back. Okay, in any moment I feel like I’m going to turn into my girlish mom. With Jason saying those words to you and asking you if he can kiss you, who wouldn’t want to squeal? Especially with those blonde hair, electrifying blue eyes and that sexy smirk of his.

I shook my head as I smiled. “I don’t kiss…” I teased.

Jason stared at me in disbelief.

“…For now. But maybe a kiss on the cheek would suffice.” I said. Maybe playing hard-to-get wasn’t a tough job after all.

Jason laughed before bending down and planted a long, soft kiss on my cheek.

“You really are different.” He said.

“I know.”

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