Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Seeking Revenge; Prologue

Tragedy apparently always has its ways to find me. It is like a shadow, always connected to its owner. No matter how hard I try to prevent it from happening, I can’t because somehow the word had etched itself on the palm of my hands. Everything I do always end up with something bad. Often I think: tragedy is a disease that I am born to have; a disease that no one can ever find a cure for. Although there is some point in my life where I thought I had finally broke free from its cage that we call a bad omen, I should have known that tragedy comes into someone’s life in different forms. Mine just happens to be death, another death and…love.

Having to live such life, it comes with utter unfortunate consequences. Ditto with tragedy, it comes in different kinds. Lack of much needed luck made me suffer the aftermaths of nightmares and hallucinations.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Story Alert: Seeking Revenge

Hi readers! Lately, I've been busy with plotting my new full story and trying to write a "perfect" prologue. I've also been up online looking for betas to make my story better, because if it turned out better as I expected, I was planning to turn it into my first novel but I don't think it will be published. Hopefully, it will. Anyway, the story will star Cato and Clove but in the novel version, it's gonna have different characters obviously.

Anyway again, here is the summary:

"Seeking Revenge"

Cato Hadley had long gone vowed to seek revenge after both his parents were killed by a treacherous gang. Learning that the killer's under duress, he goes after his daughter, Clove Kentwell. He befriended her so the killing would be easy. But Cato soon finds himself stuck between seeking revenge and...falling in love with his parents' murderer's daughter?

Major Cast:
  • Cato Hadley
  • Clove Kentwell
  • Glimmer Delancey
  • Marvel Quiad
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • Thresh Okineyi
  • Johanna Mason
  • Finch Fox
  • Finnick Odair
  • Brutus Kentwell
Minor Cast:
  • Peeta Mellark
  • Annie Cresta
  • Madge Undersee
  • Rue Okineyi
  • Primrose Everdeen
  • Gale Hawthorne
  • President Snow

Monday, May 13, 2013

Tumblr Blog: Under Repair

The Tumblr version of this blog will be temporarily closed as of now due to renovation. I will be redesigning how it looks so it will be as better as the blogspot one. Don’t worry, the main The Infinite Playlist blog (which is this one) will still be open for song-shots. I assume everything will be done by next week or probably the first few weeks of summer as I will be free from homework by that time.
Thank you!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Author's Note: 7 Ships Had Sunk!

Unfortunately, seven ships had hit the iceberg and sunk down to join the Titanic. This afternoon, as I was doing my elimination method to know which pair will be starring in my new song shot, I took a moment to fully look at all my ships. I realized that there are couples that I only ship once and then didn't find them interesting after. Those are the kind of couples that has little moments that make my heart ditzy and then they stop having those moments and my love for them is just gone.

Anyway, I will also remove their couple pictures from my One True Pairings page. Sad to do but, it's reality. Some ships had to sink in order to make room for new upcoming ones.

Without any further ado, here are the 7 sunken ships:

Harry Styles | Cher Lloyd

Noel Khan | Aria Montgomery

PJ Duncan | Teddy Duncan

Phillip Phillips | Elise Testone

Noah Puckerman | Quinn Fabray

Mark Salling | Dianna Agron

Steve Rogers | Natasha Romanoff

The good news is, I would still keep their published song-shots here and I won't take their tags away!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Author's Note: Clove's "Girl On Fire" Outfit

Hey guys! So I was thinking that I should do an outfit post of what Clove was wearing in my "Girl On Fire" song-shot. I actually had a hard time finding the right exacts because I was only imagining the outfit in my head and I don't even know if it looks good when I put them all together. The original jeans color is supposed to be blood red. Something darker than the ones below but as I was making my collage in Polyvore, I realized that the brighter red are more perfect for the set so I went with that one. I haven't actually listened to Iron Maiden but I bet they are good so I used the muscle tee that has them on it. Also, the original hairdo is the hair should be left down messily but I decided that a messy ponytail matches well with the outfit. I also think that the necklace was a nice touch. Not too much and not too little. The leather jacket and the combat boots also added the edgy aura of everything.

Outfit Information:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#41: Girl On Fire

A Cato and Clove song-shot

Clove stood proudly in front of her full-length mirror, admiring herself and Glimmer's chosen ensemble for her to don on her surprise act at the school's talent show. She had been preparing for this performance for almost a month and she couldn't hide the fact that she was pumped about it. For a couple of reasons: firstly, this was her first time performing on stage considering that she used to be a shy one who is content with being someone else's background. Secondly, after weeks of doing so and a little pouting from Glimmer and Peeta, they finally convinced Katniss to show off her newly acquired dancing skills the same time Clove will be performing. It will also be Katniss's first time on stage. And the last but not least, Clove was getting frenzy just thinking about singing in front of Cato. Her ex-boyfriend who, just a month ago, had told her she will always be in the background and will never get the chance of having the spotlight.

Monday, April 29, 2013

#40: She's Not Afraid

A Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder song-shot
[ "Little Things" Part 2 ]

It's been two months since the weekend at Eleanor's flat took place. A lot of things can happen in the said time span. The seniors finally graduated from college, Liam and Danielle became an official couple (surprise, surprise!) and Zayn finally found romance in the body and soul of one Perrie Edwards. Most importantly, in those two months left of college, Louis Tomlinson finally scored a date with the ice queen, Eleanor Calder.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

#39: Little Things

A Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder song-shot

~ ~ ~

Eleanor gently closes her door to her flat before twisting the lock and hung her jacket on the rack with a sigh. Her senior year in college has been a major pain in the ass. From her end of the year paper that was due by next week, to the upcoming "election" battle for her politics class, Eleanor hardly ever went out to have fun. She was either in her school doing some extra study or she's just in her flat...still studying. Her friends had been encouraging her to go out but Eleanor always refuses.

And then there's Louis Tomlinson and the lads.

Eleanor couldn't quite put a finger on it but she just always finds her blood boiling with just a sight of his hair. She didn't know it if was because of his overwhelming sassiness, or the way he thickens up his accent even more every time he talks to her. Eleanor feels like she hears fingernails scratching a board every time the lad opens his mouth to speak. Or maybe it was the fact that he thinks she's no fun that Eleanor is willing to use all her willpower to prove to Louis that she can be a carefree lass as well.

This weekend, Eleanor decided, will be the downfall of one Louis Tomlinson once she gets to prove to him that she's fun, and had always been fun. Just never had the chance to show it.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

(3) New Ships Alert: Malex, Alexbelle & Clato

I have been legit dying to post this sooner but doesn't have enough time to do so. Okay, so over the spring break, there was nothing that I did other than read fan fictions about my new ships (*cough* Clato *cough*). Without any further ado, these are my new ships:

Mason Greyback | Alex Russo

To be honest, I didn't ship them at first. I just didn't find their relationship romantic at all. But the first time I watched The Wizards Return and had seen the bloopers, I just noticed how cute they exactly look together. The way she lays her head on his shoulder as she laughs and how he never even moved a centimeter away from her. It looked like he was enjoying their closeness and she was enjoying it in return.

Alexander Ludwig | Isabelle Fuhrman

They are just plain adorable. Hands down. Between these two, I guess their most favorite thing to say to each other was "I love you." Although, they are not a couple since Isabelle is 5 years younger than Alexander and she's still a minor so it would be illegal for him to date her. Too bad.

Cato | Clove

I know it somehow don't make sense that I placed a different picture from Alexbelle because they are just the same person but...let me tell you a story on how this Clato thing happened or started. The night that my family watched The Hunger Games for the third time, I couldn't help but to feel something for Cato and Katniss. Yes, I shipped them first before Clato. And yes, I ship weird couples. But after realizing that the pairing starts to get boring and haven't had that much affect on me anymore, I decided to check out Clove and Cato and what was the fuss between them. Days after watching some of their videos, I literally fell in love. Like, I couldn't even get enough of them! My whole spring break just screams "Clato!"

And that's it for my new ships! I hope you ship these pairings as well :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

#38: Fucking Perfect

A Noah Puckerman and Quinn Fabray song-shot
[ "We're Not The Perfect Two" Part 2 ]

~ ~ ~

"Okay, who wants to go next?" Mr. Schue asked as soon as Rachel Berry finished singing her revamped ballad.

Noah Puckerman immediately and non-hesitantly raised his hand.

"Take the stage, Puck."

He stood up from his chair. grabbed the guitar on the side and headed to the center. Puck made sure he captured Quinn's eyes before he start his introduction. But as soon as he was standing in the center, he already got the blond beauty's eyes on him.

"This song is for a girl who's heart had been broken today. I once loved her and honestly, I never stopped. Up until now, she's still the girl who captured my heart a year ago. She may have been in a relationship with other guys but I never gave up on her. I'm looking at her right now and my heart just breaks every time I see her puffy red eyes caused by a douche bag who broke her heart for nothing. Heck, he wouldn't even tell her his reason why..."