Thursday, August 16, 2012

#12: Speak Now

Paul McDonald and Pia Toscano song-shot

~ ~ ~

“I am not that kind of girl, Haley!” Pia Toscano told her best friend as they were preparing for Paul McDonald and Nikki Reed’s wedding. The ceremony was private and the couple only wanted close friends and family to attend and unfortunately for Pia, Paul invited her.
“If you really love him, you’ll do it.” Haley answered.
“Well, consider this: if you’re in this kind of situation and Casey is the one who’s getting married, would you do that…that…thing you’re asking me to do?” Pia asked, as she remained seated on the edge of Haley’s bed and secretly cursing the invitation and the lavender dress lying beside her on the bed.
Haley thought for a moment. “Well…yeah. It’s because I really love him and because I have the guts to.” She replied, shrugging.
“Well, news flash! Ms. Haley Reinhart, I’m not you. I don’t have that kind of guts you have. I’m not going to embarrass myself.” Pia said.
Haley sighed and pressed her lips together. She kept on examining how gorgeous she looked on her bridesmaid dress. “Then you’re on your own. I’ve tried to help you through this but you never listened to me.”

~ ~ ~
Pia and Haley arrived at the church where the wedding will be held. Haley was trying her best to push the hardheaded Pia towards the seat where James, Stefano and the rest were seated.
Luckily, they made it. Well, Haley did it.
“Hey, the wedding’s ‘bout to start. I thought you guys wouldn’t make it.” Stefano said as he scooted to make room for the ladies.
“Yeah, if Pia’s not being so hardheaded and so childish, we should’ve been here earlier.” Haley replied as she glared at Pia.
“Why, what’s wrong Pia?” asked Lauren who was seated behind her.
Pia tensed. “N-nothing. Nothing too personal.” She replied.
Suddenly, Paul came standing by his friends’ row, smiling at everyone. “Hey guys, I’m so glad you’re all here!” Paul said.
Pia looked at him before turning to Haley. “I…I think I need to go to the bathroom.” She whispered.
As Pia was about to stand, Haley grabbed her arms and pulled her back down. “You are not going anywhere.” Haley whispered.
“But Haley,” Pia whined. “I really need to go to the bathroom.”
“Haley, let her go. If she didn’t go now, she might miss the opening ceremony.” Paul said.
Haley sighed and loosened her grip on Pia. “Fine.”
Pia then stormed off towards the bathroom. Truth is, she really doesn’t need to. She just felt like crying and the bathroom seemed to be the perfect place to do all the bawling. Pia couldn’t just take the fact that the man she loves is getting married to another girl.
But even before Pia could reach the bathroom, she heard screaming. She took three steps backward and pressed her ear by the tent made for Nikki where she could doll up for her special day.
“What do you mean she couldn’t make it?!” Nikki screamed.
Pia flinched though she desperately needs to know more on what’s happening inside so she leaned back in.
“She broke her leg?! How could she do that when she knows today’s my wedding day?” she yelled to her caller. Pia knows Nikki is talking on the phone since no one was responding every time she yelled.
“How can I find a replacement?! My wedding’s starting in twenty minutes!” Nikki said.
Suddenly, Pia tripped on something and she let out a loud scream. Seconds later, Nikki’s tent entrance opened and Pia saw the brunette looking down at her, trepidation all over her face.
“Oh, my gosh, Pia, are you okay?” Nikki asked as she offered a hand, which Pia gladly took, and hauled her up.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Pia replied. “How ‘bout you? I was just passing by when I heard you screaming.”
Nikki sighed as she looked down at her pastry-shaped white gown. “Kristen’s manager called and told me that Kristen couldn’t make it because she and Rob went walking yesterday and as usual, she rode her skateboard and she fell and broke her ankle.” The brunette explained.
“Aw, I’m sorry.” Pia apologized.
“And now who’s going to be my maid of honor?” Nikki asked.
“Yeah, it’s hard finding one—“ Pia said. She looked at Nikki and she has this bright smile on her face. Pia’s eyes went wide. “Oh no, no. Please, no. Nikki, please no.”
“Please, Pia. Can you be my maid of honor? Besides, you’re Paul’s best friend. He’ll love that.” Nikki said.
“I don’t think so.”
“Come on, please, just this one time. I really, really, desperately need a maid of honor.” Nikki pleaded, almost close to dropping to her knees.
Pia sighed. “Fine.”
~ ~ ~
Pia marched in the aisle together with Paul’s best man, James Durbin. When she and James were finally seated, the wedding march started playing.
“Is it just I or the wedding march sounds like a death march?” Haley whispered from behind her.
Pia fought the urge to laugh. Though she couldn’t help but smile. “Shut up.” She whispered back.
Nikki came walking down the aisle and when she caught Pia’s eyes, she gave her a wink and a thankful smile. Pia suddenly felt guilty for blaming her for taking away her love of her life. And then she’d always remind herself, Paul wasn’t hers in the first place.
“I bet Paul’s thinking Nikki was you instead.” Haley whispered again.
“Haley, stop talking.” Pia whispered back.
Haley’s statement remained in her mind. What if she was true? What is Paul is really wishing it were Pia who was walking down the aisle instead of Nikki? Pia probably doubted it. Why would Paul propose to Nikki if he doesn’t love her? If Pia is really whom Paul wants to marry, he would’ve proposed to her, right?
Pia shook the thought away and focused on the event in front of her. That’s when she only noticed Nikki has reached the front.
The whole ceremony was a blur to Pia. But not until the priest spoke: “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Silence filled the whole venue. Pia felt an arm nudged her and she realized that it was only Haley.
This is my last chance, Pia thought.
To her surprise, she stood up. Even Haley was surprised. In fact, everyone was. Her hands were shaking, as she looked around, aware that everyone’s eyes were on her, though her only focus was on Paul. And he was staring right at her, confused.
Scotty stood up to save Pia but she held him on the shoulders and sat him back down. Paul opened his mouth to say something but Pia interrupted him.
“I am not the kind of girl, who should be rudely interrupting in on a white veil occasion. But you,” she said as she pointed at Paul, “are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.”
The whole crowd gasped. Except for Haley, she was grinning.
“Pia…” Paul said as he left Nikki standing in the front and walked right up to her. When he reached her, he whispered. “Why are you doing this?” he asked.
Pia leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Don’t say yes. Let’s run away now. I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door. Don’t wait or say a single vow.”
Paul beamed at her. “Let’s run away now. I’ll meet you when I’m out of my tux at the back door.” Pia nodded.
And so, Pia took off.
Paul turned around to face Nikki and gave her one last kiss on the cheek before saying: “I’m sorry, Nikki.”
With that, Paul was gone too.
~ ~ ~
Paul spotted Pia sitting at the hood of Haley’s car. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around.
“Baby, I didn’t say my vow. I’m so glad you were around when they said Speak Now.” Paul said and he leaned in for a kiss.
When they broke apart, Pia grinned at Paul.
Suddenly, she felt hands on her shoulders shaking her. “Hello? Pia?”
And then she was back outside Nikki’s tent. “Huh? What happened?” she asked.
“I don’t know, you just like zoned out for ten minutes! Are you okay?” Nikki replied.
Pia blinked for a few times. “Uh…yeah.”
“So, are you with it?” Nikki asked.
“With what?”
“You’ll replace Kristen as my maid of honor.”
Pia had no choice. “Okay, I’ll do it.” She replied.
Nikki jumped in delight. “Thank you, thank you!”
And so, the wedding went on perfectly without the interrupting Pia thought really happened. And in the end, Paul got married, to what Pia believed, is the wrong girl for him.

Don't say "yes"
Run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now"

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