Tuesday, March 5, 2013

#32: By The Way

A Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder song-shot

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"Goooooood morning University of Manchester! This is me your radio DJ for the day, Eleanor Calder, ready to brighten up your day with some tunes that you will surely love. But before we get to that, I have a few announcement to make..."

Eleanor's cheerful voice came booming around the school through the intercom and to the university's television by the commons. A few students gathered around the television but others stayed behind, listening to her voice. Everyone loved it when Eleanor is the one assigned to the sound booth. They loved how cheerful she was and how lovely she always looks and how she's always smiling. She was never seen with a frown. Until this very day.

No one expected that cheerful Eleanor was hiding something behind her charming smile.

Not long ago, her boyfriend Louis Tomlinson who went to study at the University of Manchester for her, recently broke up with her. They decided to keep the breakup a secret and that they shouldn't act like they broke up on public because not one of them wanted any more drama in their lives. They pretended they were still a couple in public. Eleanor enjoyed their little acts but she knows Louis doesn't. Because one day, she saw him back together with his ex-girlfriend, Hannah Walker.

Nobody knows Hannah Walker was Louis's ex-girlfriend that is why when they were seen together in campus, Louis and Eleanor decided they would just pretend that Hannah was Louis's cousin from a different country and that he was just showing her around for she plans to attend the same school as well. Hannah was soon enlisted on their plan.

But as time went by, Eleanor couldn't take the ache anymore. She and Louis grew apart. They weren't pretending anymore because lately, Louis had been hanging around with his "cousin" and people are starting to get suspicious. She told Louis about it one afternoon.

"People are starting to get suspicious, Lou." Eleanor told him once they were stood outside the campus's football field.

Louis let out a sigh. "Look darling, we should drop this. Let's just let people know that we broke up so that we don't have to pretend. I am sick of calling Hannah my cousin when I just want everyone to know that she's my girl." He said.

Eleanor looked down on her shoes. "What do you want us to do then?" She questioned.

"Are you going to be in the sound booth tomorrow?" Louis asked.

Eleanor managed a nod.

"Tomorrow, we'll finally let people know that we broke up and after the announcements, tell everyone that we were just pretending and that Hannah is my real girlfriend." Louis said.

Eleanor's eyes started to pool with tears. She gave him a nod and a weak smile before turning to leave.

~ ~ ~

"That's it for the announcement!" Eleanor smiled and waved before turning the camera off and the television on campus flashed a black screen. Songs were then suddenly played through the radio around the school.

Louis and Hannah walked to the commons and decided to sit on one of the benches. "Today, Eleanor will be making a huge announcement." Louis told Hannah once they were seated.

"What is it?" Hannah asked.

"She's finally telling the truth." Louis answered. "We don't have to pretend to be cousins anymore."

Hannah jumped up from her seat in happiness. Louis followed her and without caution, Hannah took Louis's face and smashed her lips onto his, surprising everyone around them. She was so happy she forgot that Eleanor still hasn't done the announcement yet and that people still think they are cousins.

"I thought the two of you are cousins?"

To their rescue, Eleanor's voice was heard from the intercom once again.

"Hello again! I am not turning on the telly because I don't want you to see me in this state. I want to make yet another announcement. As you may have noticed, Louis and Hannah Walker had been hanging out lately. It's not because they are cousins, but because they are boyfriend and girlfriend..." 

Everyone turned to look at the couple. 

"Louis and I broke up maybe two weeks ago and we don't want to have any drama so we pretended that we're still a couple. I know you might be thinking how did I manage to stay happy when I just broke up with my two year boyfriend? Well, it's easy. I pretended that I am happy." She let out a chuckle. "I've been saying the word 'pretend' a lot of times today. Hey, word of the day!" She laughed once again.

Louis and Hannah couldn't help but smile at Eleanor's awkwardness.

"But let's not get into that yet. Word of the day is saved for lunch time. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that Louis wants to let everybody know that Hannah is his girlfriend and not me. She's not his cousin but his girlfriend. And Louis, I know you're out there somewhere listening to this that is why for the first time on air, I am singing a song that you inspired me to write. I am not much of a good singer as you are but just to let you know, I am trying my best for you..."

Shuffles were heard as Eleanor walked around the sound booth trying to find her guitar. She just barely learned how to play it but like she said, she is always doing her best for Louis. She returned back to her seat once she found it and cleared her throat.

"So this is how it goes..."

I had to catch my breath
When I saw you there across the room
Holding her hand
I have never guessed
That starting over would look so good on you
But here I am

Still believing there might come a day
Where we'll pick up where we left off

By the way
Your eyes are dancing
I'd say the chances of that are getting slim
By the way
My heart's still breaking
It's gonna take it a while to love again
So many things that I forgot to say
By the way

Louis looked down at his shoes and almost felt guilty for breaking Eleanor's fragile heart. He was sad that he left Eleanor when Hannah came back to town. Eleanor was a great girl but sometimes he can be blinded by love that he felt like Hannah was somehow...better.

I should've let you know
All the ways you made me feel alive
I guess it's too late
So I'll just get my coat
And make my way into this breezy night
Give you one last wave

Maybe you'll drop what you're doing
Come over here and say I'm looking good

Hearing those words, Louis knows Eleanor wants him to be there. The way she puts so much energy into those lines and mildly stressing it to let him know she wants him. Hannah squeezed his hand and when he gave her a glance, she simply nodded letting him know he can go. With a smile, Louis raced for the sound booth.

But by the way
Your eyes are dancing
I'd say the chances of that are getting slim
By the way
My heart's still breaking
It's gonna take it a while to love again
So many things that I forgot to say

Eleanor turned around once she heard the door to the sound booth burst open though she didn't stopped singing. She looked Louis in his eyes and continued strumming her guitar. Her heart quickens when she saw him moving closer to her. With the sudden urge to finish the song in front of Louis, she continued to sing.

By the way
You still look amazing
And I must have been crazy
To let you get away
But by the way
If you ever wondered
I still got the same old number
Just in case

I still miss you
And I still love you
By the way

By the way

Eleanor reached behind her to switch the microphone off. She settled the guitar down on her chair, careful not to break it. She did all that without breaking eye contact with Louis.


"I liked it." He commented.

"T-Thanks." She stammered but quickly regained her composure. "I worked hard on that."

"Look Eleanor, listening to you sing that song made me realize that I haven't given a proper explanation to you yet. I just realized that our break up must have been that horrible that it inspired you to write such a heartbreaking song. I'm sorry. We should've ended on good terms."

"But we did." Eleanor said. "We were friends after our break up."

Louis shook his head. "No, we aren't. We were just pretending, Eleanor."

"But to me, we aren't." Eleanor said. "I thought that we were friends after all."

Louis sighed. "Let's not turn this into an argument shall we?" he asked.

Eleanor flashed a small smile before nodding.

"I am sorry that I broke your heart. Maybe I was just confused that time. Maybe I didn't know what to do because when I saw her again after she moved away, suddenly I was torn between the two of you. I know I should stay with you because you are my girlfriend but at the same time, my feelings for her Hannah are coming back." Louis explained.

"I understand." Eleanor bit her lip to prevent herself from letting her tears out. "I mean, I understand that you have to pick her over me because I remember you telling me she was your first love and first love never dies." She laughed in the end to lighten up her mood.

"Eleanor..." Louis reached out to take her hand but she pulled away.

"It's okay Louis, it's fine. We're over and now you're with Hannah. We love, our hearts get broken, we move on. That's how it has always been right?" Eleanor said with a smile.

Louis knows she's going to break anytime soon. He knows that smile wouldn't last longer. "I just couldn't leave you without saying anything good." He muttered.

"You've said good things to me thousands of times before, Louis. I think that's enough." She said.

Louis shook his head. "No. I just...let's be friends. After all this, let's stay friends." He said as he held out his hand for Eleanor to shake.

She hesitated for a while even though she knows how much she wanted this.

"Come on Eleanor, I know you still want to be friends with the Tommo." Louis teased and his smile grew bigger when he saw Eleanor's genuine smile and she finally took his hand.


"Can I get a Calder hug now?" Louis asked.

"Louis..." Eleanor's voice grew softer. "Calder hugs were given when we were still together. Let's not do it anymore. In that case, everything would be easier for me to handle."

"Oh." Louis's arms fell to his sides. "A normal hug then?"

Eleanor smiled as she stretched her arms out. Louis took her in his arms as one of Eleanor's tears rolled down her cheek. She knew she's not gonna be doing this very often because soon, his hugs would always be for Hannah Walker. She would be just someone who always receives Louis's normal hugs and not the special ones.

"I love you, Louis."

"As friends."

"As friends." Eleanor choked as she repeated the words Louis had told her.

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