Saturday, March 30, 2013

#37: You Belong With Me

A Justin Russo and Alex Russo song-shot

~ ~ ~

Alex Russo came running out of her family's apartment and onto the sidewalk. She told her parents she's gonna go to Harper's but it wasn't what she was actually planning. This morning, for her science class, Alex was paired up with her long-term crush, Justin Russo. Most people would mistake them as siblings but they always say no. They just have the same last name. Which was a plus for Alex because it once crossed her mind that what if she and Justin were really siblings? It would be a disappointment for her because he was way too cute to be her brother.

Now as she skipped down the sidewalk, something she's never done before, she started to round the corner and decided to head to the park. She pulled out her phone and sent Justin a message that she's just going to meet him at the park, in which Justin replied by saying that it would be great.

"Perfect. My plan's working." Alex mumbled to herself.

She hummed to a song that has been stuck to her head for almost a week. It was Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me." Lately, it had become Harper's favorite song and all week, she had been playing that song in her iPod and she would always sing along to it.

"She wear short skirts, I wear t-shirts. She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time..." Alex sang as she crossed the street and headed to the park.

As soon as Alex had chosen the perfect bench, she pulled out her phone from her pocket jeans to see if Justin had sent him a message. But there was none. Soon enough, she felt a pair of hands cover her eyes and she smiled as she reached to touch the hands.

"Justin." She said as the hands removed itself from her eyes. Alex turned around and smiled wider when she realized it really was Justin.

"Hey Alex. How long have you been here?" Justin asked.

"Oh I just barely got here." Alex replied.

Justin sighed in relief. "That's good. I thought I kept you waiting."

"I don't mind waiting." Alex responded. "As long as it's you I'm waiting for." She whispered her last statement.

"I'm sorry what?" Justin questioned, giving her a confused look.

"Nothing." Alex shook her head. "Nothing."

Justin clasped his hands together and rubbed them. "Let's get started with our term project." He started.

Alex pretended to be interested. If smart girls attract Justin, then she figured she'd act smart to impress him. "Okay then. Any ideas on what we could do?" She asked.

Justin rubbed his chin in thought. "Ummm...I was thinking we could make a robot that does something cool, you know?" He suggested.

Alex grinned. "Let's not do that. I was thinking we could create an engine that runs on water." She said.

With that, Justin's eyes grew wide. He grabbed onto Alex's shoulder and started shaking her. "Alex, you are awesome! I can just kiss you right now." Without thinking, Justin accidentally mentioned those words.

"Oh. Well then, I can do that for you." Alex said before leaning in and planting a kiss on Justin's lips, much to his surprise. He has his eyes open as he looked at Alex with her eyes closed and her lips connected to his.

Finally, he managed to pull away from her. "Alex, why did you do that?" He asked.

"You said you could just kiss me right now so I did it for you." Alex replied.

Justin shook his head. " don't understand. It was just an expression, I guess. It was all a mistake." He staggered.

"No Justin, I guess it's finally time to let you know that I like you so much and based on how you act around me, I know that you like me too." Alex confessed.

Justin continuously shook his head. "No don't understand. I-I-I...I have a girlfriend." He blurted out.

Alex was frozen in place. "Did you say you have a girlfriend?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I do. Her name is Juliet." Justin answered.

She bowed her head in embarrassment as she suddenly realized playing with the hem of her shirt was far more interesting at the moment. "I'm sorry Justin. It's just that I like you so much and...and..."

"You're fine, Alex. I'm sorry too because I was so surprised that I acted like I wanted to push you away. I'm sorry. It's not your fault. You misunderstood what I said and people make mistakes most of the time so...yeah." Justin interrupted her.

"Is she being good to you? Is she making you happy more than anything in the world?" Alex asked as she gave the raven-haired boy a quick sideways glance, still embarrassed to even look him in the eye.

Justin didn't know how to respond to this. He barely know Alex. They just met the first day of the semester and he still doesn't know if he could trust her about the status of his and Juliet's relationship. Deciding that he doesn't know Alex that well yet, he didn't tell her the truth. "Yeah, she does." He simply replied.

Alex gave him a small nod in response. She was about to open her mouth to say something when she got interrupted by a phone ringing. It was Justin's.

"Oh hold on, it's Juliet." Justin informed her. "I'll be right back."

Alex watched as Justin stood up from the bench and walked a few feet away from her. She'd figured he wasn't that far so she can eavesdrop but realized she couldn't hear anything. Justin was speaking and she can't comprehend a word he was saying. But by the looks of it, Justin was having an argument with his girlfriend on the phone. She watched as he placed a hand on his hip in frustration and the same hand then went right up to his perfectly gelled hair and started pulling at it.

"If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with me." Alex suddenly found herself singing the same song again as she continuously watched Justin pulling at his hair in annoyance.

Suddenly, Justin placed his phone back in his pocket and marched back towards Alex. As soon as he reached her, Alex stood up and placed a hand on his arm. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Justin nodded with a small smile. "Yeah I'm fine. Hey, how 'bout we walk around and I'll buy you ice cream?" He suggested.

Alex was taken aback. Is this really happening? Alex thought to herself. She looked down at the park bench and then averted her eyes back to Justin. "How about the term project?" She asked, still trying to impress him by acting so interested and smart about the project.

Justin waved a hand as if trying to swat a fly. "Nah, it can wait." He replied as he offered Alex his arm. With a smile, Alex looped her arm around Justin's and together, they walked to who knows where Justin is going to take them.

Silence blanketed over them as they walked. Justin kept his eyes forward, whilst Alex couldn't keep her eyes off of him. She studied him pretty closely. Only then she realized that Justin has hazel eyes. It looked so perfect when the sun hits it, like making the green more green, and the brown more brown. It's just so exquisite and for a reason, unique to Alex. She studied how his nose was so perfect. For Alex, everything about Justin is perfect. His jawline that seemed to be sculpted to perfection. It's like an angel's best work of art.

"What're you looking at?" Justin questioned, now looking at Alex as well.

"I just noticed you have hazel eyes." Alex answered. "And I'm a sucker for hazel eyes."

Justin scoffed at her. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment since you like hazel eyes and I'm pretty sure you're gonna say that they look so beautiful and--"

"They are." Alex interrupted.

Justin let out a laugh as soon as Alex said that. He's always been told that Alex isn't the mushy type of girl. She's like the school's worst nightmare. She acts like she can do whatever she wants to do and even the principal can't seem to find a way to stop her doings. He's been told she occupies two lockers at the same time. The one being her "fridge" or her "food storage," and the other being her normal locker. But as much as she was the opposite of what Justin wants in a girl, he couldn't help but to think of it as cute and well, attractive.

"There you go. There's the smile I was looking for." Alex said, taking Justin back into reality.

"Why?" Justin questioned.

"I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down." Alex responded. She realized it was a line from the same song and she was glad she didn't end up singing it.

Justin didn't utter a single word.

"I saw the way you looked when you were talking to Juliet on the phone." Justin's expression turned gloomy as soon as Alex mentioned his girlfriend's name. "Is there something wrong, Justin?" She added.

"Nothing's wrong, Alex. I'm fine, really." Justin lied.

"I know you better than that, Justin." Alex replied.

Justin let a sigh escape from his mouth. He stopped from walking as soon as he caught sigh of another park bench. They really weren't that far from the park yet so he was able to find one. "Fine. I'm not okay you really want to know, Alex?" He asked.

Alex nodded. "Of course I do." She replied.

"It all started yesterday when I asked Juliet to prom. It wasn't as cute and grand like she expected. She'd seen all of her friends get asked to prom like putting up banners on the roadside so when their girls drive by, they would see it. I didn't do something like that to Juliet. I just came up to her and asked her. Of course, she didn't like it." Justin explained.

"And then what happened?"

"Fortunately for me, she let it pass...for now. She told me the next time, she won't accept it anymore. A while ago, she called me to inform that she's already trying out possible dresses she can wear to prom. She wants us to match like the color of her dress should be the color of my tie. I told her that what if she chose a pink dress and I have to wear a pink tie? I don't want to embarrass myself--"

"What's wrong with wearing a pink tie?" Alex asked.

"It''s a guy's thing, I guess." Justin replied unsure of the real reason.

Alex gave him a nod and a signal to go on.

"Anyway, Juliet got mad and said that I'm not that proud of our relationship that's why I don't want to match with her. I told her it was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Of course, I am happy I get to call Juliet my girlfriend because as you may know, a lot of guys are after her. I told her that that's not the reason why I don't want to match with her. You know, I just don't want to wear pink." Justin explained.

"Really? That's it?" Alex asked in disbelief.

Justin let out a laugh. "Stupid right?" He asked.

"Then what are you doing with a girl like that?" Alex answered back a question.

Justin gave her a shrug. "I-I don't know, Alex. I don't even know why I'm still with her. She turned into someone I don't like at all." He answered.

"But are you still going to show up at prom?" Alex asked.

"Yep, but definitely not with a pink tie." Justin answered causing for the both of them to laugh.

~ ~ ~

Tonight is prom night and Alex, being the best friend as she is, decided not to show since Harper isn't showing up as well. Harper didn't get asked to prom, which was fine to her because it only means that she and Alex get to have a girls night. 

"I still can't get over the fact that you didn't go to prom because I wouldn't go." Harper said in the middle of the movie they were watching in Alex's room.

Alex scooped a spoonful of ice cream before turning to face her best friend. "It's fine, Harper. Besides, prom has too much drama. You know, with all the preppy dresses and hairstyles and the prom queen and king stuff. It's just not my thing."

Not far away from Alex's apartment was there school and she and Harper can clearly hear the music blasting from the school's gymnasium.

"Well, I guess prom just wouldn't leave us alone." Harper commented.

Alex laughed. "I know right. It's like, it's begging for us to come there." She replied.

"It's like prom can't live without us." Harper joked.

After laughing so hard that they have to hold on to their stomach, Alex and Harper both heard a knock coming from Alex's balcony. Immediately, the two girls stopped from laughing and turned to look at each other with wide eyes that seem to almost come out of their sockets.

"What was that?" Harper asked.

"I don't know but it sounded like someone is in my balcony." Alex panicked.

Then there it was again. A knock was heard, causing for the two girls to freak out more than they already were.

"Do you think we should check it out?" Harper asked.

"I'll do it." Alex volunteered. She crept slowly towards her closet to grab a baseball bat that she stole from Max's room. When her little brother caught her in the act, she reasoned she needed it for her own protection in case of an emergency. And this is definitely an emergency.

Slowly, she tiptoed towards her balcony door, her baseball bat in its perfect position. She inched closer and closer before she extended her arm to reach the knob and turned it ever so slowly. Finally, she swung the door open and was about to hit the intruder when a familiar face stopped her from doing so.

"Justin?" Alex asked before looking back at her scared best friend. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at prom?"

Without asking for permission, Justin stepped inside her room and greeted Harper. The redhead blushed after. "As you can see, I didn't wear a pink tie and not surprisingly, Juliet picked a pink dress." Justin answered Alex's previous question.

"And she got mad and--"

"She broke up with me. Just because I didn't wear a pink tie." Justin finished her sentence.

Harper sensing that the two needs some privacy, she stood up from the bed, paused the movie and faced Alex. "I should go outside and give you guys some privacy." She muttered.

As soon as the door shut closed, Alex sat on the bed next to Justin. "I'm sorry about that, Justin. I know how much you love Juliet and--"

"Honestly, I don't love her. I don't think I ever did. You don't know how she is like, Alex. You don't have a clue." Justin half-yelled at her.

"Then tell me, Justin!"

"She's...she's so...manipulative. She's so self-centered. She only cares about her reputation and she doesn't care if she's hurting other people. She thinks she's so beautiful that she steps on everybody else's self-confidence. I don't like how she can just go off with another guy behind my back. She thinks I'm so easy to please but hell no, I'm not!" Justin bursted out in anger.

Alex stood up to prevent Justin from doing something bad to himself. His hands had automatically found its way to his hair and had been pulling at it again during his rant. "Justin, calm down. It's okay." Alex whispered to him.

"Are your parents home?" Justin asked.

"No. They're at some convention." Alex answered.

"Good. Because I don't want them to come bursting in your room thinking something bad was happening to their only daughter and then they would have to call the cops and tell them about me. A stranger that seemed to come out of nowhere in their daughter's room." Justin blurted out.

Alex chuckled. "That's...that's not gonna happen." She responded.

After a moment of silence, the music that was coming from the school's gymnasium changed. From a slow song to one of Taylor Swift's oldies. It was the same one that had been stuck in her head from a week now.

"Do you want to dance?" Justin then asked, offering his hand out to her.

"To this song?" Alex questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, why not? Besides I've heard you a couple of times singing this song." Justin reasoned.

"Wellllllllll, Harper had been singing to this song for a week and I just can't get it out of my head." Alex explained.

"Oh, enough of your reasons. Just come and dance with me." Justin said as he stood up from the bed.

After hesitating, Alex finally gave in and allowed Justin to dance with her.

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do

They were interrupted with the sound of Justin's phone ringing. He groaned as he took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Juliet.

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" Alex asked.

"Nah. It's not worth it, anyway." He replied before declining the call and placing his phone back in his pocket.

But she wear short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understand you
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walking the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
"Hey, isn't this easy?"

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey, what'cha doing with a girl like that?

"Hey, isn't it funny how this song perfectly describes us?" Justin asked.

Alex's eyes snapped towards him and she saw him smirking down at her. "I-I-I guess. If you say so." She replied.

"It's like it's written specifically for us."

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understand you
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're 'bout to cry
I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

"Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? Been here all along so why can't you see? You belong with me." Alex sang to Justin as they mellifluously swayed to the rhythm of the song.

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me

You belong with me

"Have you ever thought just maybe?" Alex asked Justin.


"That you belong with me."

Justin smirked down at her before slowly leaning in and planting a soft chaste kiss on Alex's lips. "I have thought about it ever since the day in the park." He answered.

Alex's smile grew wide and for the first time, she finally knows how butterflies can make your stomach feel. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as she leaned in for another kiss, hoping this one would be longer and more meaningful.

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