Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#34: Oath

A Colton Dixon and Jessica Sanchez song-shot

~ ~ ~

"Mom, I'm just gonna go and take a walk, 'kay?" 20 year old, Jessica Sanchez asked.

She and her family just recently went back to her hometown for the summer and she wanted to visit all the places she missed. She wanted to reconnect with all her friends she left behind before she moved to another part of the country. She wanted to taste the pastries she grew up eating from the bakery located just around the corner.

"Okay." Her mom replied and with that, Jessica stepped out of her house and inhaled the summer air. She opened her eyes and gazed up at the sky. She smiled to herself as she admired the beauty of her surroundings. Stepping down the stairs, she decided to head to the bakery.

She was about to turn the corner when something caught her eye. Jessica turned her head to the right and saw the long, thick bushes just behind her house. Deciding to just visit the bakery before she heads home, she climbed up her not so tall fence and headed towards the bushes. As she nears her destination, her eyebrows met in confusion as she can make out some metal, almost looking like a gate. She stopped in her tracks when she realized it really was a gate.

Out of curiosity, she trudged along and opened the gate.

"What is this?" She questioned herself as she followed the almost covered path. She was wearing shorts  and flip-flops, that's why Jessica has to stop frequently to remove all the fallen leaves that gets caught in her flip-flops. The mud being the glue. Frustrated, Jessica removed her flip-flops and decided she would just go barefoot even if the path is muddy.

Suddenly, the path was becoming more visible every single time she continues to walk. Jessica scanned her surroundings and a smile grew on her face as familiarization came washing over her. It was the meadow. The place where she and her best friend Colton Dixon used to spend their time at. She remembers doing their homework here, or sometimes they would play like little kids and sometimes, they would just lie down and do nothing. Little talks here and there, most of the time. 

Jessica's pace started getting quicker and quicker for she cannot wait to reach the top of the small hill where the biggest tree she and Colton has ever seen stood beautifully. After, she finally got to where she wants to be. She dropped her flip-flops on the grass before circling the tree, examining it and then deciding to climb to the top. Colton would always tease her about not being able to climb the tree all by herself. She would always need some guiding from Colton. He would always hoist her up and then the rest would be her job. But today, Colton wasn't around and she is alone.

Realizing she couldn't do it without her best friend's help, Jessica gave up and plopped down on the dewy grass. She sighed in defeat and disappointment before looking back up once again. Her hands suddenly absentmindedly started to play with the grass, picking at it and then tearing it into even smaller pieces. As she was about to pick a handful again, she noticed a part where there's barely any grass growing. It was all dirt.

Jessica tilted her head to the side, noticing that the dirt wasn't that deep and that there was just a thin layer of it. Soon enough, she found herself on her knees and digging the dirt. As she went on and on, a box was slowly coming to her vision. She smiled to herself as she remembers what it was.

"Aha!" She squealed as she finally stopped digging and had taken out the box from the soil. She blew away a few remaining dirt and she saw a childish carving on the lid. Colton Dixon and Jessica Sanchez were carved and under their names was the year when they last spend their time together here in the meadow. Opening the beat up lock, Jessica suddenly found herself looking at two rolled up papers inside the box. She took one out and rolled out the papers, revealing her own tenth-grader handwriting.

My best friend, best friend 'till the very end
'Cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend
You need a hand, and I'm right there right beside you
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you
'Member the time, time, times sneaking out the house
All of the time, time, times that you had your doubts
And don't forget all the trouble we get into
We got something you can't undo, do

After reading it, Jessica had to stifle a guffaw. She remembered the time she wrote this. It was her last day in town and Colton and her and decided to spend it in the meadow. They were both sad that she was leaving and as Colton noticed that Jessica was about to cry and that anytime soon, he's going to break down as well, he managed to flash her a smile and challenged her to a rap battle, in which Jessica gladly accepted.

"I bet you can't out-rhyme my incredible rhyming skills." Colton said. Jessica tore out a piece of paper from a random notebook she has with her and handed it to Colton.

"Oh really? Well, we'll see about that. You haven't even heard my rhyming yet. Let me warn you, Skinny Mickey, I am better than you are." Jessica challenged.

"Oh, it's on."

"It is really on."

Thirty minutes or so, Jessica raised her pen to signal Colton that she's done. He smiled at her and soon after, Colton dropped his pencil and started pumping his arms and stretching his neck. "Let's hear it." He said.

After listening to both lyrics, they laughed at each other and decided that the other one was better. In the end, nobody won the rap battle.

Snapping back to the present, Jessica took out the other paper and rolled it out and started reading. She almost had a hard time deciphering the words because the paper was too old and the ink was starting to fade out and considering that Colton had terrible handwriting that time, Jessica has to squint her eyes to be able to comprehend the words.

I know I drive you crazy, hmm, sometimes
I know I call you lazy, and that's most times
But you complete me, and that's no lie
You are my tuxedo and I'm your bow tie
We in the car, sing, sing, sing our song
Rocking the building, tear it down like we king kong
And in my eyes you can do, do no wrong
You got a best friend sing, sing along

Jessica carefully rolled the paper once again and placed it back inside the box together with the other one. She closed the lid and twisted the lock, before gently putting it back in the soil and covering it with dirt. She sighed as soon as she finished the task. After reading those papers, memories just came back to her.

~ ~ ~

"What now?" Jessica asked as soon as she finally learned how to start the ignition.

"What do you mean 'what now'? Haven't you learned anything from your Driver's Ed class?" Colton asked in disbelief.

Jessica opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. She couldn't admit the fact that her class was so boring that sometimes she doesn't even pay attention. She knew she should be giving her 110 percent attention because it involves her driving skills in the future but she just couldn't keep her attention alive. Besides, there was a cute boy sitting across from her. It's hard to have focus!

"W-well," Jessica started, holding out the L too long. "I wasn't really paying that much attention." She bit her lip as she glanced over at Colton.

The blond guy sighed in exhaustion as he rubbed his temples. She was starting to give him a headache. "You should've payed more attention, Jessica. You know I can't teach you everything there is to know." He said.

"I know that." Jessica said. "Look, can you just tell me what to do and then we can get started with the driving."

"No. We can't start driving if you don't know so much." Colton replied.

"But Colton, I want you to teach me how to drive now." Jessica demanded.

"Jessica, don't be childish today." Colton warned.

"I am not being childish!" Jessica complained.

"Please just listen to me. I need to educate you first with the basics before I take you out on the road." Colton said. "Now I just have to find my old Driving book." He added.

Just as Colton was about to exit the car, out of frustration Jessica accelerated the car and it went right to the tree. It was a good thing it wasn't that much of a hard impact.

"Jessica!" Colton yelled.

"I am so sorry! I was so mad that I just want to drive and you wouldn't even teach me how to do it." She answered.

"Well, if you would have listened to me this wouldn't have happened!" Colton replied.

"Daddy's gonna be so mad." Jessica muttered.


~ ~ ~

Glancing back up the tree, Jessica bit her lip and challenged to do it on her own. This time, without Colton's help. She extended her arms to reach for the lowest branch of the tree and started to hoist herself up. Her arms are a little wobbly today giving her a hard time lifting herself. But surprisingly, she managed to do it. She was panting when she reached the first branch but smiled in triumph. Then she started to make her way up to the top.

It wasn't that much long to reach the top so when she got there, she sat on one of the strong and thick branches and tried to catch her breath. She placed a hand on the tree, the other on her chest. Her fingers accidentally brushed something unusual on the tree and Jessica almost jumped as it felt weird to the touch. She glanced to her right and saw multiple words etched on the tree. The words were kind of everywhere but she managed to sense out the words.

She and Colton really made this tree theirs.

Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You're never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you

Jessica stayed up on the tree and when it was almost dark, she decided to start her way back to her house. When she reached the trunk of the tree, she dug out the box again and took it home with her. The words of the oath she and Colton made were still in her head, word for word. She hurried home without even remembering to stop by the bakery. It can wait.

She immediately went straight to her room and arranged the rhyming she and Colton did. Soon enough, she has the first and second verse to the song she was planning to do. The oath, she decided later, would be the chorus. And then she added a few more lyrics and spent the night making melodies and harmonies to the song.

At exactly 12 midnight, Jessica Sanchez had finished her song. She titled it, "Oath" and e-mailed it to Colton.

"Hopefully, you'll reply." Jessica muttered as she let a yawn escape her mouth.

The next day, she checked her laptop and noticed there was a new message. She clicked it open and saw that it was from Colton. She smiled when she read the e-mail.

Back in town. Meet me at the bakery for breakfast today xx

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