Saturday, March 2, 2013

#31: All About Us

A Chord Overstreet and Dianna Agron song-shot

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Not once in my life have I ever imagined I would be the one to marry this gorgeous blond that I have known for many years. Dianna and I met because of our parents. The Agron Inc. was slowly going out of business and my dad, the most serious businessman you'll ever meet, saw some potential in her family's business and when he found out that it's going to end soon, he didn't even hesitate helping them. My dad had this idea to merge both businesses and develop it into something new. He left his own company to pursue the rising business he and Dianna's dad created.

The first time I saw her was during the business party. She was wearing this polka-dotted blue dress that showed her curves so well. Her blond hair was longer that time and I remember her turning around and her hair accidentally brushing my face and as realization hit her, her eyes widen and for the first time, I saw her piercing hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry." She said, her cheeks turning into a slight shade of pink as she looked down at her yellow wedges.

I smiled at her. "It's fine. It's not a big deal anyway." I answered.

She then started laughing and I asked her what's funny and I remember her telling me that she feels so ashamed and embarrassed about herself that she just felt the need to lessen her awkwardness by laughing at herself. I found it cute honestly. I found it cute with the way she closes her eyes when she laughs and man, her laugh was the most adorable sound I've ever heard. 

She must have noticed me staring at her that she immediately stopped laughing and her hand found its way to her mouth. "I'm sorry. That was unladylike. I should have been more poised and...I just realized I haven't even introduced myself yet. Oh, how rude of me."

As Dianna was rambling about how rude she was for not introducing herself, I was just staring at her the whole time, mesmerized of how beautiful she is and how carefree and long story short, she's the perfect girl. She fits the description I gave myself of a perfect girl. She has everything I need. She's beautiful, funny, loud, confident, awkward and...she's just herself. She doesn't have to be anybody to impress me because the first time I ever laid my eyes on her, she doesn't have a single clue she already has my heart.

"I'm Dianna Agron." She introduced as she held out a hand for me to take.

"Chord. Chord Overstreet."

For the first time that night, I realized that she's the daughter of my dad's new business partner and considering the fact that I work for my dad and Dianna works for her dad too, the two of us are gonna be spending more time with each other than we could possibly imagine.

~ ~ ~

"Hey Chordy, what are you doing here?" Her oh so familiar voice rang in my ears as she made her way towards the corner where I stood. She had changed from her wedding dress to a cocktail dress that I personally chose for her.

I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I planted a soft kiss on her lips before smiling at her and answering her question. "I was just...thinking, I guess."

She cocked her head to the side in confusion. "About what?" she asked.

"Us." I simply replied. "I just can't believe it was the two of us after all this time."

Dianna titled her head back as she laughed. "Yeah. I mean, who would've thought? The employees back then wanted us to be together so badly they had to set up this whole plan to get us together but I guess we were so blind back then to not see the chemistry between us."

I laughed at the memory. I remember the employees writing me a note saying that I should go to this place and I guess they made Dianna write her name on the paper even before they wrote the note. I should have been more obvious about the fact that the handwriting was different than Dianna's. But I decided to go anyway. When I got to the place where the "note" told me to go, I found out Dianna was there too and got a note from me. I told her I got the same thing and just then we realized we were set up.

"I guess so. I mean, we have relationships back then. I had a girlfriend and you had a boyfriend." I replied to her.

"But to be honest, I'm so glad that the employees actually made an effort to make us realize that we both like each other all along." Dianna said.

"And I am glad we did because look at us now, we're husband and wife." I responded as I leaned in for another kiss.

As we pulled apart, Dianna took my hand and led me to the center of the stage. "Come on, I got something for you." She told me.

"What is it?"

Before she answered my question, she signaled our friends - who were also our band in our wedding - to get to their places and be prepared. Lea then attached a mic onto Dianna's ear and she smiled at me. I can tell she's getting so impatient and excited at the same time. I know she couldn't wait to get this thing started.

"Remember last week when you were so mad at me because I wouldn't even pay that much attention to you?" Dianna asked and I gave her a nod. "How you did everything to get my attention? Like prepare a romantic dinner, dance in front of the TV while I watch, sing at the top of your lungs whenever I'm around and how I would always stay up late in my home office?"

I gave her a nod once again. "I did that because I thought you were having second thoughts about marrying me and I did all the things that you said you liked about me." I confessed.

Dianna laughed into her mic and the audience laughed as well. "Well, I wasn't actually having second thoughts. It was because I was preparing this song for our wedding." She told me, and with one last look at the band, the music started and Dianna started swaying.

"I don't dance. At least I don't know how to." I whispered to her ear.

She laughed once again and then she took a step back from me and she offered her hand.

Take my hand, I'll teach you dance
I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down
Would you let me lead?
You can step on my feet
Give it a try, it'll be alright

I started to follow her movements and soon enough I was getting the hang of it. I replaced my arm on her waist and we held hands as we swayed around the dance floor. I saw that everyone was gathered around us, watching us move to Dianna's song with smiles on their faces.

The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shining, it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us

I realized how the song fits perfectly well with us at that moment. Dianna has always been so talented. She can act, sing, dance, cook, everything! I know for the fact that she can do all those things but I've never thought of her writing a song as beautiful as this. I remember her telling me one time how she once tried to write a song but failed because it doesn't really turned out the way she wanted it to be. But hearing this song right here, right now, nothing could be more perfect than the words and melody Dianna has put into it.

Suddenly, I'm feeling brave
Don't know what's got into me
Why I feel this way
Can we dance, real slow?
Can I hold you, real close?

The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shining, it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song
Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it
Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song

Do you think we're ready yet? Oh, I'm really feeling it

Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song
Do you think we're ready yet? Oh, I'm really feeling it
Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shining, it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight shining, it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt
But it's all about us

The song ended and I was so happy I lifted Dianna bridal style and spun her around. She was giggling and as soon as I set her back down, I took her in my arms again and dipped her and kissed her full on the lips. This would be the best day of my life. I married the best girl in the world and she just happened to write the best perfect song I've ever heard and she has given me the best wedding I've always dreamed of.

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