Saturday, March 16, 2013

#35: Irish Lullaby

A Niall Horan Imagine song-shot

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You usually were to afraid to sing around the house ever since you married your husband, Niall Horan. You knew he used to be part of the biggest British-Irish boy band in your teenage years and being in the band and making it that big, you know your husband's voice is like gold to everyone and you felt like your voice is nothing compared to his.

The first time he has ever heard you sing was when you thought you were alone inside and Niall was gonna be out late with his mates and you accidentally let the words just spill out of your mouth and soon enough, you realize Niall was standing by the bathroom door listening to you sing. You covered your mouth immediately but realized it was already too late. Your husband has heard you sing.

"You have a great voice, princess. Why aren't you letting me hear it?" He asked you once you were in your bedroom, changing into your night clothes.

"Because it's terrible." You answer.

"No, it's not." Niall protested.

You dropped your brush on the bed and faced your husband. "Just drop the kind act, Ni. We both know I sound like a dying cat." You said.

You watch him as he shook his head and made his way towards you. He circled his arms around your waist from behind and allowed his chin to rest on your shoulder. "I am not saying this because you are my wife, princess. I am saying this because you have a really great voice."

You let out a sigh knowing that you won't win the argument anyway. "Fine, if you say so."

Now, with Niall out with his mates once again, you were trying to tuck your twelve-month old daughter in. You glanced at the clock and noticed that Niall will be home soon. Ever since he got married to you and had your first born, he had made himself a curfew and spent less time with the lads, in which they understood. Especially Louis and Liam, since Eleanor and Danielle are both pregnant as well and will be due at the same time. What a coincidence, you thought.

You swayed back and forth trying to make your daughter sleep. As hard as you try, she just won't. She couldn't stop crying. You wondered why because you were pretty sure she drank her milk and she even finished the whole bottle so she couldn't be crying because she's hungry. You've even done the things Niall does to her to make her sleep. But just like the others, they didn't work.

"You want your daddy huh, little princess?" You whispered to your daughter, in which she responded with a little whimper and a tiny smile spread across her angelic face.

You let out a small quiet laugh and kissed your daughter's forehead. "Fine then, I'm gonna make you want mommy." You whispered.

Walking to her crib, you started to whisper to your daughter on how much mommy and daddy loves her and what she would be like when she grows up. You told her she's gonna be a great daughter, a great student, a great grandchild, a great niece, a great sister if ever a new baby is coming, and almost everything you thought she's gonna be in the future.

When you finally reached her green crib with little green cloves twirling atop the crib to entertain the baby, you slowly lowered her down and you were surprised she didn't even cry. You smiled as you touched her nose ever so lightly as if it were as fragile as glass. You started to rub her tummy. Apparently she loves that when you and Niall does it to her.

Since you were alone in the house and Niall won't be home for another hour, you thought it wouldn't hurt to sing maybe just a little. A hum would work, you thought. And so, you started humming to your daughter. But words were just itching to come out of your mouth.

Shoheen, Shoho
My child is my treasure
My jewel, my sinless, my share of the world
Shoheen, Shoho
How sweet is my pleasure
My dark flag of sorrow forever is furled

Child of my bossom may sleep ever thrive with you
Luck and contentment be ever in store
God and your mother will nothing deprive from you
Sleep now my baby 'till dawn's at the door

You smiled when you noticed that your daughter was staring intently into your eyes as you sing. You knew deep in your heart she was listening to every word you sing to her. You knew that even though she's just a baby, she knows how much you love her and she knows that whatever happens, she will always have her mommy and daddy by her side.

Slowly, your daughter's eyes started to get heavy and soon enough, her eyelids gave in as she closes her eyes covering her adorable blue orbs that no doubt she got from Niall.

On the hill of the sidhe
The fairies are dancing
Playing their games by the fair moon of spring
Here they come tiptoe laughing and prancing
To lure him away to the dun of their king

They shall not entice you by the dint of their charming
They shall not allure you by the sound of their coel
I guard you by prayer from all that is harming
And God with his warm wings will shelter your soul

Bright as the branch of the red Rowan berries
Short are the years you are wrapped in my love
Mocraoibhin my child
Close your eyes to the fairies
And open your ears to the angels above

God does not grudge me the love of my baby
You are my toy and my plaything the while
Toddle with me for the day will come maybe
When lonely you'll wander for mile after mile

Shoheen, Shoho
My child is my treasure
My jewel, my sinless, my share of the world
Shoheen, Shoho
How sweet is my pleasure
My dark flag of sorrow forever is furled

"Goodnight, my little princess." You mumbled as soon as you finished the lullaby. You stopped rubbing her tummy before leaning in to plant yet another kiss on her forehead.

Smiling down at her one last time, you stood up and as you turned around you covered your mouth with your hands, trying not to wake up your daughter. As you made sure you had calmed down, you placed a hand on your chest and walked right up to your husband.

"Gosh Niall, you scared me." You said as you led your husband outside the room.

"You were wonderful." He commented.

"Well...thanks?" You questioned. You weren't sure if you would accept that compliment because up until now, you still thought you weren't that good.

"What song was that?" Niall asked.

"Irish Lullaby." You answered. "I learned that when I was in my high school choir."

"And you still thought you weren't good." Niall said.

"Well, there are people who are in choir but aren't that good." You answered.

"Come on now princess, why won't you believe everything I say? You are good. Do you want me to let you sing in front of the lads to make you believe that you really are that good of a singer?" He said to you as he took both of your hands and held it firmly.

You shook your head. "No. No singing in front of them, please." You begged.

"Then believe me. Even our little princess thought it was good. It was so soothing and so soft and so angelic like that she fell asleep. She fell asleep because an angel was singing to her." Niall said.

You glanced at your husband and noticed how sincere he was being and how honest he was at the moment. And with that, you finally believed him. "Am I really that good?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Yes you are." He answered. "Now, you gotta teach me that song."

"Tomorrow." You answered, then squeezed his hands causing him to smile at you. "Come now, let's head to bed."

"Okay." Before you even got the chance to open the door that led to you and Niall's bedroom, he stopped you. 

"What is it, Ni?" You asked.

"Let me say goodnight to my little princess first." He said.

You giggled softly. "Okay."

You followed him down the hall and you stayed by the doorframe as you watched your husband leaning in to the crib, whispering to your daughter. Watching your husband and your daughter like that, you couldn't be happier. You couldn't have wished for a better family than Niall and your daughter. They were perfect. They have always been your idea of a perfect and happy family.

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