Friday, March 22, 2013

#36: That Should Be Me

A Sam Evans and Quinn Fabray song-shot
[ Featuring: Finn Hudson ]

~ ~ ~

Rachel Berry, Sam Evans's manager told Quinn Fabray and Finn Hudson to come over. Recently, the two friends had been asked by their superstar friend Sam Evans to star in his new music video. He already told them the supposedly story line of the video and Rachel just wanted to rerun through it to make sure that Quinn and Finn knows what's going to happen once they shoot the said video.

"So remember, Quinn, you used to be in a relationship with Sam and then you guys broke up. That's where Finn comes along. Soon, you guys started dating and Sam secretly still longs for Quinn to be his. Hence, the title of Sam's new single." Rachel explained. Quinn rolled her eyes as she noticed that Rachel was secretly eyeing Finn up and down. She reached for his hand to let her know that the boy was taken.

"That wouldn't be too hard since we're already a couple." Finn said, the same time Sam entered the tent that was set up by the beach.

"Who's a couple?" Sam asked.

"Quinn and I." Finn answered. "We just started dating a week ago. I'm sorry Sam. We were supposed to tell you about it sooner since you know, the three of us had been best friends since kindergarten. You're the first person we want to notify about our relationship." He explained.

Sam eyed Quinn and noticed how happy she was as Finn was explaining. He always had this secret crush on Quinn but just couldn't have the guts to let her know about it. He always knew that Finn and Quinn already have something due to the fact that they have been acting so lovey-dovey the past week. Having noticed that, Sam had planned to tell Quinn during the music video shoot but as soon as he heard the news, he thought that he doesn't have to anyway.

"What's the point?" Sam mumbled with his head bowed down.

"What was that?" Quinn asked.

Sam's head popped up as he heard Quinn's question. He shook his head and flashed a faux smile.

"Anyway," Rachel piped in, noticing the awkward situation the three friends are in. "Quinn and Finn, you know what to do. Don't fail me and Sam so... chop, chop!" She exclaimed as she signaled Kurt Hummel, the make-up artist to add one last touch on Quinn's make-up.

"Let's do this, man." Finn said as he took Quinn's hand and gave Sam a friendly pat on his back.

~ ~ ~

Quinn had been scolded by Blaine Anderson, the director numerous times on the way she was acting. He had commented that everything looked fake to him. Her smiles were obviously fake, same as her laugh. He had told her that she almost looked uncomfortable and Sam and her didn't looked like a couple... at all. She had been told to be more real and more believable. She needs to be act like she really is happy to be with Sam.

"I'll try again." Quinn said.

"You better." Blaine said quite a bit harshly.

They started filming the scene for the fifth time. And still, Quinn just couldn't do it. As much as she tries to, she just can't act so cuddly with Sam and Blaine is starting to get irritated. She can tell by the way his hands grasped the armrest of his chair.

Before Blaine could have the chance to yell at Quinn again, Sam chirped in.

"Can we have a second?" Sam asked.

"Sure. Anything to make her better." Blaine replied through his megaphone.

Sam sighed before taking Quinn by her wrist and took her a little farther from the set. Once they were out of earshot, he crossed his arms and looked at Quinn. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just..." Quinn sighed. "I don't feel all."

Sam placed his hands on both of her shoulders and tilted her chin to make her look at him. "Okay, just think that you aren't with me. are with Finn." Sam suggested.

At that moment, Quinn lit up. She smiled a genuine smile at Sam before nodding at his suggestion. "Okay, I'll try." She replied.

Soon, Quinn was getting the hang of it. She actually showed improvements compared to the previous shoots she did and Blaine was loving every second of it. After a few shots, the scene were over.

~ ~ ~

The staff declared lunch time and soon enough, Quinn and Finn's friends came over to the set and see how they are doing. Santana and Brittany were the first ones to arrive on set, followed by Tina and Mike. After that, everyone just came like a flood. 

"I guess they were just here for the free lunch." Finn whispered to Quinn causing for her to giggle.

With their hands intertwined, the couple made their way towards the buffet table where everyone is. The girls dug in before the guys. Quinn refused to sit with anyone, reasoning that she would share the table with Finn causing for Santana's suspicions to arise. But then, as usual, the Latina waved it off and decided to just deal with it later.

Finn was about to join Quinn in her table when suddenly, out of nowhere, Sam came into the picture and took the vacant seat in front of Quinn. He heard Quinn saying that the chair was saved for Finn but Sam acted like he didn't hear anything. Finn let a sigh escape and decided to join Puck instead.

"What's the matter, dude?" Puck asked. "Why aren't you with Quinn?"

Unlike the others, except for Santana, Puck sensed that something was up between Finn and Quinn and one afternoon, he proved his suspicions correct when he caught them in the middle of their lip-lock action.

Finn gave him a sigh as a response and turned to look back at Quinn and Sam. Puck turned to look as well and his eyebrows raised as soon as he saw Quinn laughing at something funny Sam probably told her.

"Oh I see." Puck said. "Why didn't you tell Sam you're going to sit with her?" He added in a whisper.

"Because I don't want to hurt his feelings." Finn replied.

"How can you hurt his feelings by telling him that you'll sit with her?" Puck asked in confusion. "Is he really that sensitive?"

Finn shook his head. "If you haven't noticed yet, I think Sam has feelings for Quinn and Quinn and I are kind of like together, you know." Finn replied.

"Really? Wow, I didn't know Biebster likes Fabray." Puck commented.

"And I just don't want him to think that I'm being a bit too possessive, like I don't want any guy near Quinn or something like that." Finn explained.

"Is that it?" Puck asked.

"Yes." Finn replied.

"Okay then." Puck replied before wiping his mouth with a tissue and throwing it on his plate. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll head over there and tell Sam what you just told me." 

He stood up from the table, but Finn grabbed his wrist and sat him back down. "Puck, no." He said.

"But you said--"

"No," Finn interrupted as he shook his head. "Just no."

~ ~ ~

Lunch had finally ended and it was time for the scene where Finn and Quinn were now a couple and Sam is the ex-boyfriend who still has feelings for Quinn. Rachel had explained what would happen in that scene and Blaine told Quinn that she should keep the kind of great acting she did with Sam a while ago.

Nodding in response, Sam, Finn and Quinn took their places. They didn't let Sam sing the song when he was filming with Quinn. Blaine had told them to shoot a few scenes as a couple and then he would just squish them in to the right places throughout the video. He said it will serve as Sam's flashback on his relationship with Quinn. But in this scene is the part where the crew will add in Sam's song.

Soon enough, Sam started lip syncing to the song as Quinn and Finn acted the way they were told to.

Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you did with me?
Does he love you the way I can?
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me?
'Cause baby I didn't

That should be me
Holding your hand
That should be me
Making you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feeling you kiss
That should be me
Buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me

Blaine cut them off and told them that the scene was great enough to be in the video. Moving on, they started to film another scene and as always, Rachel was there to inform the trio about it.

"In this scene, Finn and Quinn would be playing in the ocean and Sam is standing just by the shore watching them, jealous of Finn." Rachel explained.

"Okay." The three of them replied in unison, before marching their way towards the water.

"Ready to get wet, Q?" Finn asked.

Quinn giggled before biting her lower lip. "Oh, hell yeah." She responded.

"And action!"

You said you needed a little time from my mistakes
It's funny how you used that time to have me replaced
But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
What you doing to me?
You're taking him where we used to go
Now if you're trying to break my heart
It's working 'cause you know that

That should be me
Holding your hand
That should be me
Making you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feeling you kiss
That should be me
Buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Till you believe that
That should be me

I need to know, should I fight for love or disarm
It's getting harder to shield
This pain in my heart

That should be me
Holding your hand
That should be me
Making you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feeling you kiss
That should be me
Buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Till you believe that
That should be me

Holding your hand
That should be me
The one making you laugh, oh baby
That should be me
That should be me giving you flowers
That should be me
Talking for hours
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me

Never should've let you go
I never should've let you go
That should be me
Never should've let you go
I never should've let you go
That should be me

"Okay people, that's a wrap!" Blaine said through the microphone as soon as everyone finished filming all the scenes. 

Sam watched as Quinn and Finn ran towards the tent to retrieve their stuff before leaving for their date tonight. Before realizing that what he was about to do can ruin their relationship, Sam ran for the tent. He didn't care if Quinn's in a relationship. He just wanted to let her know how he feels towards her and let her know that sometimes, maybe most times, he just want to grab her and just kiss her passionately.

"Quinn!" He called as soon as he got inside the tent.

The blond swiftly turned around at the cite of her name. "Sam!" She exclaimed as she dove in for a hug. "That was awesome. Thanks for giving Finn and I the chance to be the lead in your music video."

Sam laughed. "Oh, it's no biggie. Anything for you, Quinn." He replied.

Quinn titled her head to the side as she smiled, staring into Sam's eyes. At first, Sam thought Quinn was going in for a kiss as she raised her hand up and placed it behind his neck. But he thought wrong. Quinn ruffled his blond hair before letting her hand hang on her side.

"I'll see you, Sam." She muttered before grabbing her cross body leather bag and trotted off to Finn who was waiting for her outside the tent the whole time.

Sam raised his arm to wave goodbye even though he knows Quinn wouldn't see him anyway. "I'll see you soon too, Quinn."

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